IG-88B | Wookieepedia | Fandom
IG-88B, also commonly known simply as IG-88, pronounced Eyegee-Eightyeight, or as a Phlutdroid, was a rogue, deadly masculine IG-series assassin droid manufactured by Holowan Laboratories who, because of his desire to kill organic beings, worked as a bounty hunter.
IG-88B | Wookieepedia | Fandom
IG-88B was an IG-88 assassin droid from about 15 BBY to 3 ABY. He was the first replica to be activated by IG-88A in Holowan Laboratories. After IG-88A gained "sentience programming" and killed much of the Project Phlutdroid personnel, IG-88B was activated, named by order of activation, and...
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IG-88 assassin droid | Wookieepedia | Fandom
IG-88, also known as the IG-series assassin droid or IG-series combat prototype, was an assassin droid line designed by Holowan Laboratories. The IG-88 line was a derivative of the IG-86 sentinel droids used during the Clone Wars. IG-88B later became one of the galaxy's most infamous bounty hunters.
IG-88 | Star Wars Databank | StarWars.com
IG-88 is a battered chrome war droid who has become a bounty hunter, and answered Darth Vader's call to capture the Millennium Falcon during the events surrounding the Battle of Hoth.
IG-88 - Villains Wiki
IG-88 is a supporting antagonist in the Star Wars franchise. He is a prototype assassin droid originally featured among the gang of bounty hunters hired by Darth Vader in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.
Star Wars: The Droid Who Almost Killed Darth Vader – IG-88 …
2022年1月19日 · Officially called IG-88B, this assassin droid is more commonly known by the shortened IG-88. He was the first droid of his series, created by Holowan Laboratories, and had a desire to kill from the moment he was first activated.
IG-88 - Databank - 星球大战中文网 Star Wars China - Powered by …
2012年5月2日 · IG-88's processor computed that Boba Fett would be the hunter most likely to capture Solo. Rather than expend energy on beating Fett to his quarry, IG-88 sought to intercept Fett after Solo had been captured. IG-88B followed …
IG-88B | Ashes of Rebellion Wiki | Fandom - The Starfield Galaxy …
IG-88B, also commonly referred to as IG-88 was one of five rogue identical IG-series assassin droids manufactured by Holowan Laboratories who worked as a hunter of the Bounty Hunters' Guild due to his large desire to kill organic beings.
IG 88 (Character) - Comic Vine
IG-88, aka the Phlutdroid, is also reportedly operating as IG-88A, IG-88B, IG-88C, or IG-88D (having merged its programming with three other Holowan IG assassin droids, thus operating...