Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor - Wikipedia
IGF-1 binds to at least two cell surface receptors: the IGF1 Receptor (IGFR), and the insulin receptor. The IGF-1 receptor seems to be the "physiologic" receptor—it binds IGF-1 at significantly higher affinity than it binds insulin. [9]
胰岛素(Insulin)及其受体家族 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
胰岛素受体家族成员在与各自的配体(如胰岛素 (insulin)、胰岛素样生长因子 ( IGF-1或IGF-2))结合后,通过一系列的结构构象变化,激活胞内酪氨酸激酶,起始胞内信号传导,在生物体内发挥重要的生理功能。 胰岛素受体家族成员均是由多结构亚基组成且高度糖基化的跨膜蛋白,当胰岛素与受体的α亚基结合并改变了β亚基的构型后,酪氨酸蛋白激酶才被激活,激活后可催化两个反应∶. ① 使四聚体复合物中β亚基特异位点的酪氨酸残基磷酸化,这种过程称为自我磷酸化 …
胰岛素样生长因子 - 百度百科
胰岛素样生长因子(insulin like growth factor,IGF)是一组具有促生长作用的多肽类物质,其分泌细胞广泛分布在人体肝、肾、肺、心、脑和肠等组织中。 IGF族有IGF-Ⅰ和IGF-Ⅱ两种。 IGF-Ⅰ的产生更依赖于GH,其促生长作用强,是儿童期的重要生长因子。 各组织中合成的IGF-Ⅰ多以自分泌或旁分泌方式发挥其促生长的作用,而肝脏所合成的IGFⅠ则进入血循环,以内分泌方式作用于靶细胞。 体内IGF-Ⅰ水平受GH的调控,IGF-Ⅰ对GH的分泌亦具有负反馈调节作用,IGF-Ⅱ …
The critical roles of IGFs in immune modulation and inflammation
2024年11月1日 · IGFs modulate macrophage phenotype and function, promoting anti-inflammatory responses and tissue repair. IGFs regulate T cell development, function, and balance between Th17 and Tregs. IGFs provide new therapeutic targets for treating inflammatory diseases and cancer.
The insulin-like growth factor system in chronic kidney disease ...
Both IGF-I and -II receptors are present in all locations of the human kidney. This IGF-IGFR expression pattern suggests a possible autocrine/paracrine action of IGFs, in particular IGF-II in the glomerulus in addition to their endocrine actions. The IGFBPs and IGFBP-rPs are expressed in various segments of the kidney.
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) - The National Kidney ...
2022年7月13日 · In adults, the normal eGFR number is usually more than 90. eGFR declines with age, even in people without kidney disease. See chart below for average estimated eGFR based on age. There are five stages of kidney disease.
Insulin and IGF-I Receptor Structure and Binding Mechanism
In humans, the insulin-like peptide family comprises ten members, the closely related insulin and insulin-like growth factors (IGF)-I and II, and the seven peptides related to relaxin (INSL/RLFs). 4,5 While insulin and the IGFs bind to receptors belonging to the superfamily of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), the relaxin-like peptides were rece...
胰岛素样生长因子1 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
IGF-1是一个在 三级结构 上与 胰岛素 类似的 激素,在儿童成长发育中有重要作用,并持续在成人的 合成代谢 中起作用。 一种人工合成的IGF-1类似物, 美卡舍明 (英语:mecasermin),用于治疗发育停滞 [9]。 IGF-1蛋白由一个肽链构成,包括70个氨基酸残基和三个分子内二硫键,分子量为7,649道尔顿 [10]。 已经发现,垂体前部的 生长激素 (GH)分泌受到GH释放激素 ( GHRH )和生长抑素的调节,GHRH和 生长抑素 之间的相互作用引起搏动性GH分泌,在青春期最高。 GH诱 …
胰岛素受体亚型和胰岛素生长因子样受体:对细胞信号传导、癌发 …
该综述强调了 ir 和 igfr 之间复杂的相互作用,导致抗 igfr 药物产生耐药性。 因此,两种受体的双重靶向可能为克服化疗耐药性提供更有效的策略。 总之,这篇综述揭示了 IR 和 IGFR 在细胞信号传导、致癌和治疗耐药中发挥的关键作用。
Insulin Receptor Isoforms and Insulin Growth Factor-like Receptors ...
2023年10月9日 · Detailed genetic analysis of IR and IGFR structures highlights their distinct isoforms, which arise from alternative splicing and exhibit diverse affinities for ligands. Notably, the overexpression of the IR-A isoform is linked to cancer stemness, tumor development, and resistance to targeted therapies.