Igor GAK | PhD Student | PhD | Technische Universität Dresden, …
Igor GAK, PhD Student | Cited by 1,061 | of Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (TUD) | Read 26 publications | Contact Igor GAK
Igor Gak – Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland | Berufliches Profil | LinkedIn
Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Igor Gak Igor Gak auf LinkedIn, einer professionellen Community mit mehr als 1 Milliarde Mitgliedern, an. Technische Universität Dresden · Berlin · 478 Kontakte...
- 位置: Technische Universität Dresden
Igor Gak - Google Scholar
Igor Gak. Professor adjunto, Departamento de Arquivologia, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. ... I Gak. As Repúblicas no Brasil: política, sociedade e cultura. Niterói: EdUFF, 49-72, 2011. 3: 2011: Das System kann den Vorgang jetzt …
A human interactome in three quantitative dimensions organized …
2015年10月22日 · Here, we have generated a library of HeLa cell lines expressing 1,125 GFP-tagged proteins under near-endogenous control, which we used as input for a next-generation interaction survey. Using quantitative proteomics, we detect specific interactions, estimate interaction stoichiometries, and measure cellular abundances of interacting proteins.
Quantitative Cell Cycle Analysis Based on an Endogenous All-in …
2017年5月30日 · Combining the all-in-one reporter with labeled endogenous cyclin D1 and p21 as prime examples of cell-cycle-regulated fate determinants, we show how cell cycle and quantitative protein dynamics can be simultaneously extracted to gain insights into G1 phase regulation and responses to perturbations.
Igor Silva Gak - Escavador
2024年7月7日 · Igor Silva Gak - Possui graduação em Arquivologia pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2004), graduação em História pela Universidade Gama Filho (2003), mestrado em História pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (2006) e doutorado em História e Ciências da Cultura pela Freie Universität Berlin, Alemanha (2023).
Igor GAK | Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin | FUB - ResearchGate
Igor GAK | Cited by 1 | of Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin (FUB) | Read 2 publications | Contact Igor GAK
Igor Gak | Freie Universität Berlin - Academia.edu
Igor Gak, Freie Universität Berlin: 37 Followers, 23 Following, 3 Research papers. Research interests: National Socialism, German History, and 20th Century…
Igor A. Gak - Semantic Scholar
Semantic Scholar profile for Igor A. Gak, with 77 highly influential citations and 7 scientific research papers.
Igor Gak | Freie Universität Berlin - Academia.edu
Igor Gak, Freie Universität Berlin, Lateinamerika Institut Department, Alumnus. Studies National Socialism, German History, and 20th Century German History.