Internet-Based Health and Air Pollution Surveillance System
This Communication contains the Project Report, which describes the Internet-Based Health and Air Pollution Surveillance System (iHAPSS), along with Comments from some members of the HEI Health Research and Review Committees and other experts who had used the data.
Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Center - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg …
The Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Center offers comprehensive data management and biostatistical services, consulting for Bloomberg School students, and consulting for researchers inside and outside the Johns Hopkins community.
Interested readers are also en-couraged to visit the Internet-based Health and Air Pollution Surveillance System (IHAPSS) website at http://www.ihapss.jhsph.edu/ which contains more details about how the data were originally pro-cessed. The NMMAPSdata package can be loaded into R in the usual way.
The NMMAPSdata package can be downloaded from http://www.ihapss.jhsph.edu/data/NMMAPS/R/. The package does not currently reside on CRAN, although it passes all R CMD check quality control tests. A source package as well as a Windows binary package are available for download.
利用R软件包NNMAPSlite获取城市环境与死亡率数据 - 腾讯云
下面我将详细介绍获得NMMAPS和DLNM的依赖项所需的链接。 问题. 当调用 initDB() 时会出现问题,其中它表示由于无效的对象创建而未能创建 remoteDB 实例。 但是我怀疑错误来自于url不被支持的事实。 下面是描述 文档 函数的NMMAPS initDB()。 数据库初始化是读取城市数据集所必需的。 以下是运行 initDB() 时来自R控制台的错误. invalid class “remoteDB” object: object needs a 'url' of type 'http://' . argument 'perl = TRUE' will be ignored . 问题.
lance System (iHAPSS*) provides researchers with pub-licly available data, software, and documents for conducting time-series studies on acute air pollution expo-sure and daily mortality in US urban communities. iHAPSS grew out of the HEI-funded National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study (NMMAPS) (Samet et al
Use of health information in air pollution health research: Past ...
2008年9月10日 · The NMMAPS project also led to the Internet-Based Health and Air Pollution Surveillance System (iHAPSS), which was developed and maintained by the Johns Hopkins University and currently provides...
[R-pkgs] NMMAPSdata package - ETH Z
2004年7月21日 · NMMAPSdata is an R package which contains time series data on air pollution, weather, and mortality for 108 United States cities for the years 1987--2000. These data were originally assembled for the National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study sponsored by the Health Effects Institute and have since been updated.
NMMAPSlite/man/NMMAPS.Rd at master · cran/NMMAPSlite - GitHub
The iHAPSS website (\url {http://www.ihapss.jhsph.edu/}) contains detailed information on the different variables included with each city dataframe. } \references { Samet JM, Dominici F, …
The iHAPSS website (http://www.ihapss.jhsph.edu/) contains detailed information on the different variables included with each city dataframe. References Samet JM, Dominici F, Zeger SL, Schwartz J, Dockery DW (2000). The National Morbidity, Mor-tality, and Air Pollution Study, Part I: Methods and Methodologic Issues. Research Report 94,