The Eisenhower Matrix: How to prioritize your to-do list - Asana
The Eisenhower Matrix is a task management tool that helps you distinguish between urgent and important tasks so you can establish an efficient workflow. In this article, we’ll explain how to set up an Eisenhower Matrix and provide tips for task prioritization .
艾森豪威尔矩阵(Eisenhower Matrix): 如何确定待办事项的优先次 …
德怀特-艾森豪威尔 (Dwight D. Eisenhower)是美国第 34 任总统,也是第二次世界大战期间的五星上将,他提出的理念后来成为艾森豪威尔矩阵。 在 1954 年的一次演讲中,艾森豪威尔引用了一位不愿透露姓名的大学校长的话:"我有两种问题,紧急的和重要的。
艾森豪威尔矩阵:确定时间和任务优先级的 4 个惊人步骤 - ClockIt
艾森豪威尔矩阵是一种已被证明能有效管理时间和提高生产力的方法。 以创始人的名字命名, 德怀特·D 艾森豪威尔 – 美国第 34 任总统艾森豪威尔矩阵,也称为艾森豪威尔盒子或艾森豪威尔决策矩阵,是一种根据任务的重要性和紧迫性对任务进行排序的简单工具。 在担任总统之前,艾森豪威尔是美国陆军五星级将军,并在第二次世界大战期间担任盟军远征军最高指挥官。 在他的职业生涯中,他一直面临着具有深远影响的艰难决定。 根据这些经验,他提出了现在被称为艾森豪威 …
The Eisenhower Matrix is a productivity, prioritization, and time-management tool designed to help you prioritize a list of tasks by categorizing them according to their urgency and importance. The name was coined by Stephen Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, who took inspiration from a speech given by Dwight D ...
The Eisenhower Matrix | FREE Editable Templates - 101 Planners
The Eisenhower Matrix is a simple yet effective framework for organizing tasks based on two key dimensions: urgency and importance. It divides tasks into four quadrants: Urgent and Important: Tasks that require immediate attention and action.
Eisenhower Matrix | Prioritization Framework | Definition and …
What is the Eisenhower Matrix? The Eisenhower Matrix is a productivity, prioritization, and time-management framework designed to help you prioritize a list of tasks or agenda items by first categorizing those items according to their urgency and importance.
艾森豪威尔矩阵(Eisenhower Matrix)是一种时间管理工具,也称为重要紧急矩阵。 它由美国前总统德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔提出,用于帮助人们优先排序重要事项或任务,对抗“紧迫感”。
什么是艾森豪威尔矩阵? 定义、起源、方法、案例用途、示例等
The Eisenhower Matrix emerges as an invaluable ally in the realm of time management. It guides you towards tasks aligned with your long-term goals and values, ensuring you move beyond the chaos of reacting to urgent but less significant demands on your time.
The Eisenhower Matrix - ctopedia.com
2024年8月4日 · The Eisenhower Matrix (a.k.a. The Eisenhower Method, The Eisenhower Box, The Time Management Matrix, and The Urgent-Important Matrix) is a time-tested tool for prioritizing tasks. It’s an elegant solution for decision-making in …
Eisenhower Matrix: Everything You Need to Know - ProofHub
2025年3月7日 · What is the Eisenhower Matrix? The Eisenhower Matrix is a task prioritization, time management, and decision-making tool that helps you organize and segregate tasks based on their importance and urgency. Also, referred to as an Urgent-Important matrix, Eisenhower box, or simply the Eisenhower method, it features a 2×2 grid.