List of Mongolian musical instruments - Wikipedia
In modern times some instruments have been adapted like the 21-stringed yatga (about 10 strings added), the morin khuur (modification of the sound box and string material) - or invented in the …
Morin Khuur & Ikh Huur Demonstration (Improvisation) - YouTube
2016年2月8日 · An improvisation and demonstration on morin khuur en ikh khuur, instruments made in our workshop. Demonstration by the guys of Sedaa; Naraa (morin huur), Nar...
Ikh khuur — Wikipédia
L'ikh khuur (mongol : ᠶᠡᠬᠡ ᠬᠤᠭᠤᠷ, cyrillique : их хуур), plus rarement écrit ih huur est une vièle mongole proche de la famille du morin khuur (vielle cheval), de grande taille, dans la tessiture des …
Word of the week: ikh khuur - Song Bar
2022年8月2日 · This distinctive looking trapezoid-shaped sound box instrument is the two- or three-stringed Mongolian bowed double bass, complete with a ornately carved horse head …
An Introduction to the Music of Mongolia
Students will be introduced to the sound of the Morin Khuur (horse-head fiddle), the techniques of Khöömei (throat singing), and given an opportunity to play a traditional Mongolian song with …
Altan Urag - Wikipedia
The members of the band have all been trained in classical Mongolian music. Their performances typically include the morin khuur (horse head fiddle), ikh khuur (grand horse head fiddle), …
Artist Profiles: Khusugtun - World Music Central
2020年7月27日 · The group accompanies uses the horse-head fiddle morin khuur, a double-bass called ikh khuur, lutes known as tovshuur and dombra, guitar, cello and a zither named yatga. …
Diese eine Geschichte mit dem Ikh Khuur Wettbewerb
Mal vorab: „Ikh Khuur“ (Ichuur) ist das Bassinstrument der Pferdekopfgeige. Als Kontrabassist hat man bei diesem Instrument schon einen sehr großen Vorteil, denn das Saitengefühl ist relativ …
ArtStation - IKH Khuur - их хуур - Mongolia String Instrument ...
A bass instrument based on the Mongolian horse head Fiddle Morin Khuur. "The Big Morin Khuur" The Bass Morin Khuur " The IKH Khuur Bass is a Mongolian new development from the 20th …
Ikh khuur, Mongólia – Musis
2020年3月30日 · Ikh khuur é um contrabaixo mongol de duas ou três cordas com caixa de ressonância em forma trapezoidal e braço terminando em cabeça de cavalo. Situa-se no …