Ikh-Uul, Khövsgöl - Wikipedia
Ikh-Uul (Mongolian: Их-Уул, literally "great mountain") is a sum of Khövsgöl aimag. The area is about 2,020 km², of which 1,350 km² are pasture and about 11 km² are farmland. In 2000, the sum had 3959 inhabitants, mainly Khalkha and Khotgoid.
Ikh-Uul, Zavkhan - Wikipedia
Ikh-Uul (Mongolian: Их-Уул) is a sum of Zavkhan Province in western Mongolia. In 2005, its population was 6,271. [1]
Ikh Uul - Wikipedia
Ikh Uul (Mongolian: Их Уул) may refer to: Ikh-Uul, Zavkhan, a sum in western Mongolia; Ikh-Uul, Khövsgöl, a sum in northern Mongolia; Ikh Uul (Khövsgöl Nuur), a peak in the Khoridol Saridag mountains
Ikh-Uul - mongolia-guide.com
Ikh-Uul soum of Zavkhan province was founded in 1923 in the former Dalai valley monastery of Choibalsan sum. Ikh-Uul has a territory of 3,800 square km and has a population of 6271. It is located in the eastern part of the province, 225 km from the province center, 795 km from Ulaanbaatar, between Khovsgol and Arkhangaiim.
Ikh-Uul - Mongolia guide
Ikh-Uul is a sum (district) of Khuvsgul province in Mongolia. Ikh-Uul sum was established in 1931. The total number of households is 1166, the population of 4060 is mostly Khalkha and Khotgor. Ikh-Uul soum has a territory of 202382 hectares and is bordered with Tarialan, Rashaant, Tosontsengel, Tunel, Tosontengel, and 559 km from Ulaanbaatar.
Албан ёсны вэб сайт
Их-Уул сумын албан ёсны цахим хуудсыг сонгон зочилж байгаа танд энэ өдрийн мэнд хүргэе. Цахим хуудсанд хандсанаар та төрийн үйлчилгээ, хууль тогтоомж, шийдвэр, цаг үеийн олон талт мэдээллийг хугацаа алдалгүй хүлээн авах боломжтой. Мөн та Сумын Засаг даргын Тамгын газарт хандан цахим хэлбэрээр санал хүсэлтээ илэрхийлээрэй.
Ikh-Uul, 库苏古尔省, 蒙古 - 世界城市,城镇和村庄
四星级的华美达乌兰巴托市中心酒店位于乌兰巴托市中心,设有2个供应美食的时尚餐厅和酒吧、一个spa中心、健康中心和健身中心。 整个酒店均设有免费无线网络连接。 每间客房都配有一台平面卫星电视、咖啡机和保险箱。 豪华的棉床单和面料、现代的室内设计和温暖的灯光营造出一个优雅的氛围。 连接浴室内配有浴袍和拖鞋。 ..... 查看更多. New World Plaza酒店距离Dashchoilin Monastery寺只有5分钟的步行路程,拥有陈设简朴的客房、带会议和宴会设施的商务中心、 …
大乌拉县 - 百度百科
大乌拉县(Их-Уул;Ikh-Uul),隶属于 蒙古国 库苏古尔省,位于库苏古尔省东南部,面积2023.82平方公里,人口4170人(2009年)。 大乌拉县东邻塔里亚朗县,西连托桑沁格勒县,南靠拉善特县、 布尔干省 巴彦阿格特县,北接额尔德尼布拉干县。 大乌拉县(Их-Уул;Ikh-Uul),隶属于蒙古国库苏古尔省,位于库苏古尔省东南部,面积2023.82平方公里,人 …
Ikh-Uul Map - Locality - Zavkhan Province, Mongolia - Mapcarta
Ikh-Uul is a sum of Zavkhan Province in western Mongolia. In 2005, its population was 6,271. Ikh-Uul has about 5,020 residents and an elevation of 1,648 metres.
Ikh-Uul, 扎布汗省, 蒙古 - 世界城市,城镇和村庄
Ikh-Uul : Ikh-Uul位置 : 国家 蒙古, 省 扎布汗省. 可用的信息 : 地理坐标, 居民数目, 海拔, 面积 和 酒店. - 世界城市,城镇和村庄
Ikh Bogd Uul National Park - Wikipedia
Ikh Bogd Uul National Park (Mongolian: Их Богд уул) is centered on Ikh Bogd ("Great Saint"), the highest mountain in the Altai-Gobi Mountains, a southeastern spur range of the Altai. The middle and high elevations feature alpine meadows and montane steppe.
Ikh-Uul - Wikidata
Ikh-Uul. Sum (district) in Zavkhan Aimag, Mongolia) Ih-Uul; Statements. instance of. district of Mongolia. 0 references. native label. Их-Уул ...
Ikh-Uul, Khövsgöl - AcademiaLab
Ikh-Uul (en mongol: Их-Уул, literalmente "gran montaña") es una montaña del aimag Khövsgöl. La superficie es de unos 2.020 km², de los cuales 1.350 km² son pastos y unos 11 km² son tierras de cultivo. En 2000, la montaña tenía 3.959 habitantes, principalmente khalkha y khotgoid.
Woman leading the way: How one woman's leadership …
The Ikh-Uul region, a sub-province of Zavkhan province in Mongolia, is located in the Khangai mountain range. This breathtaking area, characterized by its forest-steppe ecosystem and harsh continental climate, is more than just a natural wonder.
Woman leading the way: How one woman's leadership …
The Ikh-Uul region, a sub-province of Zavkhan in Mongolia, is located within the Khangai mountain range. This area includes the Tarvagatai Mountains National Park, known for its forest-steppe ecosystem and extreme continental, semi-arid climate.
Ikh Bogd Uul | Attractions - Lonely Planet
The highest mountain (3957m) in the Gobi Altai range. It's possible to part-jeep, part-hike your way to the top for stupendous views. On Ikh Bogd’s southern flank you’ll also find the beautiful Bituut rock, formed after an earthquake in 1957.
Ikh-Uul - Wikipedia
Ikh-Uul is the name of two sums (districts) in Mongolia: Ikh-Uul, Khövsgöl; Ikh-Uul, Zavkhan
Khoridol Saridag Strictly Protected Area | Classic Journeys Mongolia
2023年9月3日 · The highest peak is Delgerkhaan Uul (3093m), two other notable peaks are Ikh Uul (2961m) and Uran Dösh Uul (2702m) on the shores of Khövsgöl nuur. The mountains along the lake are rich in phosphorite, and in the 1980s extensive exploration work …
Stay with the Tsaatans - DMD
Today you'll be on your way to the village of Ikh Uul. On the road you stop to discover the deer steles from the Ushigiin Uvur region, the artistic vestiges of the Bronze Age. You arrive at Ikh Uul village and can set up your tents.
Lake Hovsgol | Mongolia | Luxe and Intrepid Asia | Remote Lands
The lake is ringed by forests, rocky shores, and the nearby Ikh Uul Mountain, a 10,000 foot tall peak that offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. It is set in a spectacular landscape of Siberian taiga with the Horidal Saridag Mountain Range to the west.