Kankakee AFSS Building, 2005 – Air Traffic Control History
2017年11月8日 · Kankakee AFSS (IKK), Illinois, about 2005 Effective October, 4, 2005, a private company, Lockheed Martin (renamed Leidos), assumes responsibility for all flight service functions. Below is a list of those dedicated FAA employees who were employed at Kankakee AFSS on the last day of their FAA career, October 3, 2005.
AFSS Contact Information *All Flight Service Stations are located on or immediately adjacent to their associated airports unless otherwise noted. *All visitors should have at least one form of ID with them (pilots should also bring their pilot certificates).
IKK - 百度百科
IKK(inhibitor of kappa B kinase, kappa B 抑制因子激酶)参与胞内多种细胞信号转导途径,包括由细胞因子引起的细胞凋亡,其中最为人熟知的是可以通过磷酸化细胞质基质中与NF-κB【p65-p50二元复合体蛋白】结合的IκBα蛋白,使其得以被E3泛素连接酶特异性识别并添加 ...
Examining autonomous flight safety systems from a cognitive …
2023年3月1日 · This study examines the engineering trade-offs, complexities, and pitfalls introduced by automating flight termination decision-making through autonomous flight safety systems (AFSS). We approach this problem from a cognitive systems engineering perspective, connecting aspects of AFSS to existing literature in human-machine teaming and ...
The Autonomous Flight Safety System (AFSS) is an independent self-contained subsystem mounted onboard a launch vehicle. AFSS has been developed by and is owned by the US Government Autonomously makes flight termination / destruct decisions using configurable software-based rules implemented on redundant flight processors using data
Autonomous Flight Safety System (AFSS) is an independent flight safety system designed for small to medium sized expendable launch vehicles launching from or needing range safety protection while overlying relatively remote locations. AFSS replaces the need for a man-in-the-loop to make decisions for flight termination.
Pathway干货 | NF-Kb 信号通路简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
IKK复合物的上游信号衔接蛋白包括TRAFs即TNF受体相关因子,RIPs即受体作用蛋白;IKK复合物的激酶包括 TAK1 即TGFβ-激活性激酶1,NIK即NF-κB诱导激酶。 TNF受体相关因子 TRAFs家族 成员是一大类胞内接头蛋白,能直接或间接与多种TNF 和IL-1/Toll-like 受体家族成员结合。 介导多种下游信号通路的信号传导 ,其中包括NF-κB 信号通路。 从而影响细胞的生存、增殖、分化和死亡,并参与多个生物学过程的调控。 TRAF蛋白家族一共有7个成员,分别是TRAF1、 TRAF2 …
BMS-345541 | IKK-1/IKK-2抑制剂 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
与 IKK/NF-κB 在细胞因子转录调控中的作用一致,BMS-345541 抑制 THP-1 细胞中脂多糖刺激的肿瘤坏死因子 α、白细胞介素-1β、白细胞介素-8 和白细胞介素-6,IC 50 范围为 1-5 μM [1]。 BMS-345541 导致 SK-MEL-5、A375 和 Hs 294T 细胞中黑色素瘤细胞增殖的浓度依赖性抑制。 BMS-345541 (0,100 μM) 通过 TUNEL 染色和核浓缩显示出凋亡特征 [2]。 MCE has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.
【APSB封底文章】激酶的阴阳乾坤,双面英雄IKKβ - 搜狐
2022年2月24日 · 该研究不仅揭示了 ikk β 可通过 竞争性磷酸化 ampk 和 i κ b α , 对 炎症发挥对立统一的免疫稳态调控功能;并且提出采用激活 a mpk 重建机体炎症稳态,而非抑制 ikkβ , 将是更为行之有效的抗炎的治疗策略;同时 说明激酶可能存在双面调控作用及机制,为今后 ...
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Ikk Afss · Original audio