Home - IKK Group of Companies - مجموعة عصام خيري قباني
We are building the future with over five decades of experience through more than 40 companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the MENA region.
IKK Group of Companies - IKK Story - مجموعة عصام خيري قباني
We are building the future with over five decades of experience through more than 40 companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the MENA region.
IKKGlass - Home - شركة عصام خيري قباني لأعمال الزجاج
IKKGlass is one of the most extensive and well-equipped integrated manufacturing facilities in the Middle East to process high performance architectural glass.
Unitech Building & Construction Materials Solutions | IKK Group
Unitech offers a wide range of products and solutions for various projects, from oil and gas refineries to commercial buildings, infrastructure, and more. Our goal is to provide superior products and solutions, backed by our experienced team in the field.
IKKGlass - IKK Group - شركة عصام خيري قباني لأعمال الزجاج
IKK Glass is part of Isam Khairi Kabbani Group, a Leading Saudi Group in the Construction Industry since 1968. We are building the future with over five decades of experience through our four main divisions: Manufacturing, Trading, Contracting, and Maintenance & Services, with over 40 companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the MENA region.
Overview | IKK Group | About Us
Established in 1968, Isam Khairi Kabbani Group (IKK) is a leading Saudi family business and a pioneer in the construction industry.
IKK Group – Isam Khairi Kabbani Group - LinkedIn
Established in 1968, Isam Khairi Kabbani Group (IKK) is a leading Saudi family business and a pioneer in the construction industry.
IKK Regional Presence - IKK Group of Companies IKK Locations
Unitech - UFE . Ikk Group Headquarter, 3rd Floor, King Abdulaziz Rd, An Nahdah, P.O. Box 5338, Jeddah 23523, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Tel:
IKK Story and Values - IKK Group - Unitech
IEstablished in 1968, Isam Khairi Kabbani Group (IKK) is a leading Saudi family business and a pioneer in the construction industry.
تأسست شركة عصام قباني وشركاه للتموین والتجارة المحدودة في عام 1980م كشركة صغیرة الحجم في المنطقة الغربیة للمملكة العربية السعودية بعد إنشاء مكتبها الرئيسي في جدة. وسعت الشركة أعمالها تدريجياً فافتتحت فروعاً استراتيجية أخرى لها في مكة، المدینة المنورة، الریاض، القصیم، الدمام، خمیس مشیط، تبوك وحديثاً في سكاكا.