Ikv 73 - War Thunder Wiki
The Ikv 73was an infantry tank that originated during the 1950s. However the design dates back to the Lago I, an export project that was meant to be developed as a tank for Hungary in the …
无足轻重——浅谈夏活低阶载具Ikv73 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Ikv 73 skilde sig mycket lite från Strv m/42 – den tidigare ”fläckiga” vagnen målades om i en heltäckande grön färg, kulsprutan till höger om föraren ersattes med en reservdelslåda för …
Ikv 73 - War Thunder Wiki
Ikv 73 has a similar playstyle as the Strv m/42 EH except the hull machine gun has been replaced with a pintle machine gun on the turret, giving it a better chance to fend off aircraft and defend …
Stridsvagn m/42 - Wikipedia
All of the 225 Strv m/42 TH and m/42 TV produced (all strv m/42 with twin Scania-Vabis L/603 engines), were rebuilt between 1957 and 1960 to Stridsvagn 74 tanks and the EH vehicles …
Landsverk IKV-73 | The Littlefield Collection - RM Sotheby's
The IKV-73 is a composite of multiple vehicle types. The original Strv m/42 that the IKV-73 is based on were built in Sweden during World War II. Post-war, they were rebuilt into IKV-73 …
装甲战斗车辆编号索引(二)——瑞典篇(中) - 知乎
2021年1月22日 · Ikv 73. 在Strv m/42的TH型和TV型被改装为Strv 74的同时,装备沃尔沃A8B发动机和阿特拉斯液压变速箱的EH型则转为自行步兵炮使用,改名Ikv 73。与其他自行步兵炮相 …
冰激凌桶里绝版的载具一览 - 百度贴吧
ikv 73(直接激活至玩家账户) 马克西姆·高尔基 箭 p-493(直接激活至玩家账户) bt-7a/f-32 斯佩 bf 110 c-6 aubl/74 hvg 夕立 p-59a fj-4b vmf-232 岩燕 mk iv(英国) sd.kfz.234/3 is-7 * Т-34e …
北欧装甲传奇(十六)——瑞典自行火炮发展史(三) - 知乎
Ikv 103相比于第一批自行步兵炮有着质的提升,不仅增强了一定的防护能力,而且安装了全套的辅助观瞄系统。 车体内部的操作空间增大后,弹药也可以摆放在更方便拿取的位置,车组成员 …
IKV 73 - Is It Worth It? - Operation S.U.M.M.E.R. Reward in ... - YouTube
Today let's have a look at the first reward tank of Operation Summer in 2020, the swedish IKV 73, which is a tank destroyer.If you want to send me a WT repla...
[Gw_J]《战争雷霆》Ikv 73:林间隐踪 - 哔哩哔哩
简介:Ikv 73是2020夏活的奖励载具,算个小玩具吧。装甲一般;已有4名WARTHUNDER玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所 …