IL17RB - Wikipedia
Interleukin-17 receptor B is a protein that in humans is encoded by the IL17RB gene. [5][6][7] The protein encoded by this gene is a cytokine receptor. This receptor specifically binds to IL17B and IL17E (IL25), but does not bind to IL17 (A) or IL17C.
IL17RB Gene - GeneCards | I17RB Protein | I17RB Antibody
2024年12月25日 · IL17RB (Interleukin 17 Receptor B) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with IL17RB include Herpes Zoster and Parasitic Helminthiasis Infectious Disease. Among its related pathways are IL-17 Family Signaling Pathways and Cytokine Signaling in Immune system.
IL-17细胞因子及其受体家族研究进展 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
il-17rb能结合il-17b与il-17e,它主要表达于各种内分泌组织及肾、肝和th2细胞。 IL-17RD负调控FGF介导的Ras-MAPK及PI3K信号通路。 人的IL-17RD也能抑制FGF依赖的ERK激活与FGF依赖的增殖,但鼠的IL-17RD却能结合TAK1激活MAP2K4-JNK信号通路。
白介素-17 受体 B (IL-17RB) | 重组蛋白 | MCE - MCE-生物活性 ...
IL-17RB (白细胞介素 17 受体 B),一种 47.9 kDa 的跨膜蛋白 (462 aa),属于 IL-17 受体家族,可被 IL-17B 激活,与炎症性疾病和癌症有关。 IL-17RB在各种内分泌组织和不同器官如肾、肝和黏膜组织的上皮细胞中表达.
Structural basis of interleukin-17B receptor in complex with a ...
2022年10月25日 · Upregulation of interleukin-17 receptor B (IL-17RB) is known to be oncogenic, while other IL-17 receptors and ligands are generally involved in pro-inflammatory pathways. We identify a mouse neutralizing monoclonal antibody (mAb) D9, which blocks the IL-17RB/IL-17B pathway and inhibits pancreatic tumorigenesis in an orthotopic mouse model.
Science子刊揭秘胰腺癌新疗法:新型IL-17RB阻断剂,可有效延长 …
在3月4日发表于Science Translational Medicine上的一篇研究中,来自China Medical University等机构的研究人员揭示了 白细胞介素-17 受体B(IL-17RB)在胰腺导管腺癌转移中的重要作用及其机制。同时,研究证实,通过阻断IL-17RB的激活可抑制肿瘤的发生和转移并延长胰腺癌小鼠 ...
Tuft cell IL-17RB restrains IL-25 bioavailability and reveals context ...
6 天之前 · Our findings delineate key mechanistic steps involving IP3R2 engagement and Ca 2+ flux, governing interleukin-25 (IL-25) production by tuft cells triggered by succinate detection. While IL-17RB...
Nature | 白介素17如何介导免疫反应——IL-17及其受体信号轴的结 …
2022年8月4日 · 通过解析il-25—il-17rb(无信号介导复合物)和il-25—il-17rb—il-17ra(有信号介导复合物),阐释了il-25可以通过别构调节三元复合物的形成来介导信号传递,il-17ra作为il-17的受体或者作为辅助受体来执行il-17家族的信号传导中枢的功能。
The Emerging Role of the IL-17B/IL-17RB Pathway in Cancer
2020年4月21日 · Here, we review the current understanding on the IL-17B/IL-17RB expression patterns and biological activities in cancer and highlight issues that remain to be addressed to better characterize IL-17B and its receptor as potential targets for enhancing the effectiveness of the existing cancer therapies.
IL-25 Enhances B Cell Responses in Type 2 Inflammation Through IL-17RB …
Peripheral blood B cells activated under IgE-inducing conditions express surface IL-17RB, and tissue IL-17RB+ B cells are increased in type 2 inflammation. IL-17RB+ cells have a distinct transcriptional profile and respond to IL-25 with enhanced antibody production, highlighting the IL-25/IL-17RB pa …