Ilyushin Il-96 - Wikipedia
The Ilyushin Il-96 (Russian: Илью́шин Ил-96) is a Russian four-engined jet long-haul wide-body airliner designed by Ilyushin in the former Soviet Union and manufactured by the Voronezh Aircraft Production Association in Russia.
伊尔-96 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
伊留申伊尔-96 (英語: Ilyushin IL-96 、俄语: Илью́шин Ил-96)),是一种由 俄罗斯 伊留申设计局 设计的四发远程 宽体 客机,是 苏联 第一种宽体客机 伊尔86 缩短机体长度、加长航程和增加高科技设备之后的改进型。 伊尔96上应用了带 翼梢小翼 的 超临界机翼 、 玻璃座舱 和 电传飞行操作 控制系统等先进技术。 伊尔96有三种不同的型号:伊尔96-300、伊尔96M/T和伊尔96-400。 伊尔-96-300是伊尔96中最早的型号。 它配备了四具推力为16,000 千克力 (157 千牛 …
Ilyushin IL-96-300 Specs, Cockpit, Cabin Interior, and Price
Ilyushin IL-96-300 aircraft uses four two-shaft PS-90A turbofan engines with a thrust rating of 16,000kgf (157kN, 35,300lbf) and was developed by Perm Motors Holding, Russia. The PS-90A design is a twin-spool, high-bypass-ratio turbofan with a fan and core air flow.
伊尔-96 - 百度百科
伊尔-96(Ил-96)是由前苏联伊留申设计局(Ilyushin,苏联解体后改为伊留申航空联合体股份公司)研制的四发动机远程双过道宽体客机。 俄罗斯总统普京的专机即采用此型号的飞机。
Meet Russia’s Air Force One: The Ilyushin Il-96 - Simple Flying
2020年7月29日 · When it came to selecting the new Russian head of state plane, the government turned to local manufacturer Ilyushin to come up with a rival to the United States Air Force One - The Ilyushin Il-96. Why did they choose this plane? And how has Russia fitted it for its head of state? Let's explore.
Ilyushin Il-96 300 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero …
The Il-96-300 is the first version of the Ilyushin Il-96 series and is powered by Aviadvigatel PS-90A Russian high-bypass commercial turbofan engines that produce a maximum thrust of 35,300 lbf each.
A Brief History Of The Ilyushin Il-96 - Simple Flying
2024年8月6日 · Designed by Ilyushin in the former Soviet Union and manufactured by the Voronezh Aircraft Production Association, the Ilyushin Il-96 is a widebody airliner powered by four high-bypass Aviadvigatel PS-90 two-shaft turbofan engines.
Ilyushin Il-96 Long-Haul Aircraft - Airport Technology
The Ilyushin Il-96 is a Russian long-haul wide-body aircraft that is powered by four engines. Designed by Russian aircraft designer Sergey V Ilyushin, the aircraft is manufactured by Voronezh Aircraft Production Association.
Ilyushin Il-96-300 - Airliners.net
The Il-96-300 entered service with Aeroflot Russian International Airlines the following year. The Il-96-300 is based on the older and larger Il-86, but it features a number of new technologies previously the exclusive domain of modern western built airliners.
ILYUSHIN Il-96 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Long range wide-body airliner. In service since 1993 (IL-96M since 1998). Russias second wide-body airliner based on the IL-86 with a modern western design. IL-96-300 standard version. Stretched development IL-96M. IL-96T freighter version of IL-96M. New twin engine version IL-98 under construction. IL-96M: Length 60,1 m, Height 15,2 m, MTOW ...