IL-10-expressing CAR T cells resist dysfunction and mediate
2024年1月2日 · IL-10 secretion promoted proliferation and effector function of CAR T cells, leading to complete regression of established solid tumors and metastatic cancers across several cancer types in...
Interferon-dependent IL-10 production by Tregs limits tumor Th17 ...
2013年10月8日 · In order to evaluate the biological consequence of Treg activity in the TME, we examined the effects of IL-10 on inflammation through quantitation of IL-17–, IFN-γ–, and TNF-producing cell subsets in MC38 tumors derived from Il10 –/– and WT mice along with T cell–conditional knockout Il10 T cellΔ/Δ mice and their respective Il10 fl ...
Foxp3 + Treg-derived IL-10 promotes colorectal cancer-derived …
2024年12月16日 · Here, we aimed to investigate the role of IL-10 in lung metastasis development and identify the cellular source and target cells of IL-10 during lung metastatic establishment. To induce lung...
Interleukin (IL)-10 ablation promotes tumor development, growth …
IL-10 is a broadly acting immune inhibitory cytokine that is generally thought to support tumor growth. Here we challenge this view with evidence that genetic ablation of IL-10 in the mouse significantly heightens sensitivity to chemical carcinogenesis, growth of transplanted tumors and formation of metastases.
Targeting Tumors with IL-10 Prevents Dendritic Cell-Mediated …
Our results demonstrated potent antitumor effects of CmAb- (IL10) 2 with reduced toxicity. Moreover, we revealed a mechanism of CmAb- (IL10) 2 preventing dendritic cell (DC)-mediated CD8 + tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte apoptosis through regulating IFN-γ production.
项目文章Nat. Biotechnol | 突破性单细胞测序技术揭示表达IL-10 …
为了在转录水平上研究il-10表达对tme中car-t细胞命运的影响,作者对mc38-her2肿瘤中的her2 car-t细胞或il-10 her2 car-t细胞进行了单细胞转录组测序(scrna-seq)分析。
IL-10 dampens antitumor immunity and promotes liver metastasis …
2024年4月1日 · To induce spontaneous or forced liver metastasis in mice, murine cancer cells (MC38) or colon tumor organoids were injected into the cecum or the spleen, respectively. Mice with complete and cell type-specific deletion of IL-10 and IL-10 receptor alpha were used to identify the source and the target of IL-10 during metastasis formation.
IL-10 抑制抗肿瘤免疫并通过 PD-L1 诱导促进肝转移,Journal of …
2023年12月30日 · 为了诱导小鼠自发或强迫性肝转移,将小鼠癌细胞 (MC38) 或结肠肿瘤类器官注射到小鼠体内分别是盲肠或脾脏。 IL-10 和 IL-10 受体 α 完全且细胞类型特异性缺失的小鼠被用来识别转移形成过程中 IL-10 的来源和靶标。 使用程序性死亡配体 1 (PD-L1) 缺陷的小鼠来测试该检查点的作用。 应用流式细胞术表征 IL-10 对 PD-L1 的调节。 我们发现β-缺陷小鼠和用IL-10受体α抗体治疗的小鼠可以免受肝转移形成。 此外,通过使用 IL-10 报告小鼠,我们证明 Foxp3+ …
2024年2月3日 · Methods: To induce spontaneous or forced liver metastasis in mice, murine cancer cells (MC38) or colon tumor organoids were injected into the cecum or the spleen, respectively. Mice with complete and cell type-specic deletion of IL-10 and IL-10 receptor alpha fi were used to identify the source and the target of IL-10 during metastasis formation.
MC38结肠癌小鼠肿瘤浸润免疫细胞的动态变化 - 道客巴巴
2021年11月7日 · 结论 小鼠移植MC38结肠癌细胞后,肿瘤组织内免疫细胞浸润水平整体下降,促肿瘤免疫逐渐占据主导地位,从而促进结肠癌的发展。肿瘤内产生了Th1/Th2漂移现象,特异性和非特异性免疫应答水平均显著降低,浸润的单核细胞和粒细胞主要是Ly6C + 表型。