伊爾-40攻擊機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
伊留申 IL-40 (北约代號: 壮汉(Brawny))為 苏联 一款雙座 喷气引擎 對地攻击机。 第一个原型在西元1953年完成首飛,十分成功,除了在開火的狀況,因为機槍發射後產生的气体,形成不 …
Ilyushin Il-40 - Wikipedia
The Ilyushin Il-40 (NATO reporting name: Brawny[1]) was a two-seat Soviet jet-engined armored ground-attack aircraft. The first prototype flew in 1953 and was very successful except when it …
Ilyushin Il-40P BRAWNY - GlobalSecurity.org
Ilyushin proposed another version of the attack aircraft under the designation Il-40P. A distinctive feature of this aircraft was to be a fundamentally different scheme of engine and gun air...
Ilyushin Il-40 - BRAWNY - GlobalSecurity.org
The Ilyushin Il-40 (NATO reporting name: Brawny) was a two-seat Soviet jet-engined armored ground-attack aircraft. The Il-40 was the first Soviet jet attack aircraft, equipped with two …
苏联IL-40攻击机及其衍生型的研究历程(翻译+校对) - 哔哩哔哩
1951年底,设计局的相关人员提出了一项技术建议,即研制一种双座伊尔-40装甲攻击机,配备两台AM-5F发动机,配备强大的火炮、导弹和炸弹武器。 S.N.切尔尼科夫、V.M.日耳曼诺夫 …
Ilyushin Il-40P - The Little Aviation Museum
The Ilyushin Il-40P was a jet powered close support aeroplane developed in the Soviet Union in the early 1950s. It did not enter production due to a revision of Soviet military doctrine in the …
The Ilyushin Il-40P was a jet powered close support aeroplane developed in the Soviet Union in the early 1950s. It did not enter production due to a revision of Soviet military doctrine in the …
Ilyushin IL-40 - SimplePlanes
Role: Attack Origin: Russia Manufacturer: Ilyushin First flight: 1953 Class: Prototype Built: 7 [i] The Ilyushin Il-40 (NATO reporting name: Brawny) was a two-seat Soviet jet-engined armored …
伊尔-40攻击机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
伊留申 IL-40 ( 北约代号: 壮汉(Brawny) )为 苏联 一款双座 喷气引擎 对地攻击机 。 第一个原型在西元1953年完成首飞,十分成功,除了在开火的状况,因为机枪发射后产生的气体,形成 …
Ilyushin IL-40 (Brawny) Ground-Attack Aircraft Prototype - Military Factory
2017年5月1日 · Soviet authorities were sold on this revision and funded the second IL-40 prototype which became the "IL-40P". This aircraft saw its own first flight on February 14th, …