Ilyushin Il-76 - Wikipedia
The Ilyushin Il-76 (Russian: Илью́шин Ил-76; NATO reporting name: Candid) is a multi-purpose, fixed-wing, four-engine turbofan strategic airlifter designed by the Soviet Union 's Ilyushin design bureau as a commercial freighter in 1967, to replace the Antonov An-12. It was developed to deliver heavy machinery to remote and poorly served areas.
Il-66 / Il-72 - SST Projects - GlobalSecurity.org
2021年9月13日 · As a result, the calculations showed the real possibility of creating a supersonic passenger aircraft (SPS), which was designated Il-72, capable of transporting from 40 to 60 people for a...
List of Ilyushin aircraft - Wikipedia
Il-22 jet-powered bomber prototype, world's first 4-engined straight-wing aircraft, 1947. Il-28 "Beagle" and "Mascot" medium bomber/trainer, world's first twinjet with an afterburner, 1948. Il-30 tactical swept wing bomber prototype developed from the Il-28, 1951. Il-46 jet-powered bomber prototype developed from the Il-30, 1952.
Ilyushin IL72 specifications and plane history - Flyaow
Sergej Vladimirovich Ilyushin, 1894-1977, Designer Major of the TsKB since 1935, where development of long-range two-engine aircraft was concentrated. The result was Il-4, the best bomber in it's class in the world (according to 'Combat Aircraft Of World War II' …
伊尔-76 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
伊尔-76 (俄语: Илью́шин Ил-76, 羅馬化:Ilyushin Il-76, 北約代號:耿直 (Candid),臺灣媒體又作 伊留申 Il-76 、 伊留申-76)是 蘇聯 伊留申設計局 研製的四發動機大型 運輸機,被廣泛於蘇聯、 東歐 地區、 亞洲 和 非洲 等地使用。 其原本設計作軍用運輸機使用,於蘇聯解體後始廣泛用作民事用途。 伊爾-76於1967年開發,目標是能夠運載超過40 公噸 (88,000磅)的貨物於6小時內飛行超過5,000 公里 (2,700 海浬,3,100 英里)。 也可以在蘇聯境內多數機場設備不全或 …
Ilyushin Il-2 - Wikipedia
The Ilyushin Il-2 (Russian: Илью́шин Ил-2) is a ground-attack plane that was produced by the Soviet Union in large numbers during the Second World War.
Il-66 / Il-72 - SST Projects - GlobalSecurity.org
In the passenger version, the 135 aircraft was designed to provide transportation in two versions: normal and long-range, where the aircraft's range varied depending on its payload.
伊尔-76运输机 - 百度百科
伊尔-76运输机(俄文:Ил-76,英文:IL-76,北约代号:Candid,译文:耿直,通称:伊留申伊尔-76),是苏联一型四发大型军民两用 战略运输机。 伊尔-76运输机由苏联伊留申航空集团(Ильюшина或Ilyushin,现俄罗斯联合航空制造公司下属)在20世纪七十年代研制,作为军事运输机研制项目于上世纪60年代末提出并开始设计。 由于 安-12 作为苏联军事空运主力已经显得载重小和航程不足,苏联为了提高其军事空运能力,急需一种航程更远、载重更大、速度更快的新 …
Il-76 (航空機) - Wikipedia
Il-76 (イリューシン76; ロシア語: Ил-76)は、 ソビエト連邦 の イリューシン設計局 の開発した大型の 軍用輸送機 である。 ロシア連邦 などにおいても 空挺降下 を含めて引き続き運用されている [3]。 北大西洋条約機構 (NATO)が用いた NATOコードネーム では「キャンディッド」(Candid:率直な、誠実な、の意)。 Il-76は 冷戦 下の 1967年 に開発が始まった機体で、6時間以内に5,000 km の距離を40 t の貨物を運搬し、短く整備されていない 滑走路 でも使用でき …
Wings of a Superpower | Page 1 | Online library - knifesburg.ru
In the early 60s, the excellently proven Tu-104, Il-18 and AN-10 aircraft were firmly established on Aeroflot's medium-length airlines of 1,500 to 3,500 km. Of these, the Tu-104 and its modifications had the highest cruising speed and provided the best comfort. The AN-10 had the best takeoff and landing characteristics.