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Welcome to our winery! Come enjoy a glass or a bottle on the deck or in the Lookout. Check out the incredible views, and maybe catch the sunset. “Would buy it again!” "Easy drinking , dark red cherry and pepper and a long finish. 4/5 stars!" “Excellent Value” "Excellent value. Very mild for a …
樂活酒窖股份有限公司-台灣公司網 - 台灣新聞網
樂活酒窖股份有限公司(la vie wine&spirits co., ltd),統編:53743852,電話:02-27551808,傳真:02-27551820,公司所在地:臺北市大安區信義路4段173號,代表人姓名:林怡文,董監事:林怡文,鄧佳玲,設立日期:101年03月09日
膨脹的靈魂,智利王 — Almaviva 2016-樂活酒窖 La Vie Wine| …
2018年9月7日 · Almaviva是由智利葡萄酒巨人Vina Concha y Toro與波爾多一級酒莊(慕銅堡) 攜手合作的佳釀。 取名源自於法國劇作家Beaumarchais的經典文學「費加洛婚禮」中英雄的名字,酒標象徵著智利當地原住民馬普切人,對於古代宇宙觀與大地的圖騰,因此擁有了歷史經典之酒名及酒標。 自推出第一個年份1996以來,便馬上受到市場熱烈的回應,每一個年份都在國際間獲得極高評價,酒款風格極其濃郁厚實,層次與平衡感的完美結合。 從報告中看來,是一個令人充 …
樂活酒窖 La Vie Wine | Taipei - Facebook
樂活酒窖 La Vie Wine, Taipei, Taiwan. 4,213 likes · 2 talking about this. La Vie Wine 成立的宗旨是希望在步調總是快速的繁忙市區中,能帶著大家遠離塵囂。
將日子的離合悲歡釀進葡萄酒中,隨著下一次的開啟熟成生活的樣子:La Vie Wine …
2020年5月7日 · 隱身在台北市中心的樂活酒窖(La Vie Wine)是這些疑問的依歸。 一樓入口簡單的接待處,是即將進入大人樂園的屏息以待,一旁仿造工業革命時期的復古老式拉門電梯暗示著一趟時光旅行的開展。
La Vie-葡萄酒-红酒世界网
La Vie de Star Selection Privee N 9 Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauternes, France 拉维之星精选N°9干红葡萄酒 产区: 法国 » 波尔多
La Vie Estate - Wines - OrderPort Everywhere Commerce
Welcome to the La Vie Estate webstore. Feel free to browse our wine selections. Make your selections and choose to pick up in the tasting room or have shipped to you. La Vie Estate offers discounts for Club Members, so be sure to login to receive your Club discount.
樂活酒窖股份有限公司 - 公司登記查詢中心
樂活酒窖股份有限公司 la vie wine & spirits co., ltd. 統編:53743852,地址:臺北市大安區信義路4段155號地下之1 公司登記查詢中心
La Vie Dansante Wines - Wines - OrderPort Everywhere Commerce
We enjoy this wine with richer fish flavors, lobster, or roasted vegetable. Golden in the glass with an aroma of ripe tropical fruit, honeysuckle, and baked apple, our Roussanne is full-bodied with crisp acidity, a round middle, and a kiss of oak on the finish. It compliments rustic soups and stews, roasted vegetables, and pasta.
La Vie Dansante Wines - Wines
With aromas of ripe apple and baking spice, this wine pairs well with creamy pastas, chicken, and roasted vegetable dishes. Deep, dark cherry, blackberry, and currant drive this Cabernet. All of that fruit is balanced by flavors of mild cedar and oak.