Ilsensine - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Ilsensine (meaning "great brain" or "powerful brain" in Undercommon) [14] [3] [note 1] was the patron deity and creator of the illithids, [2] and the Tentacled Lord embodied their ideals of mental prowess, unlimited knowledge, and willful dominion over all other lifeforms. [10]
伊尔神思因Ilsensine | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
Ilsensine is a mental/spiritual deity manifesting as a glowing green brain; the god itself has an infinite number of tentacles of infinite length which radiate through all planes from its base on the Plane of Concordant Opposition.
灵吸怪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
灵吸怪 (Illithid)是 角色扮演游戏 《龙与地下城》中所设定的一种具有强大的心灵能力的生物,也被称作 夺心魔 (Mind Flayer),以其吮食 智能生物 的脑浆而臭名昭著。 成年灵吸怪站立时约有6英尺高,体重约170磅。 灵吸怪的眼睛没有瞳孔,呈乳白色,嘴巴附近长有四只触须,脑袋看起来像一个章鱼。 灵吸怪的身体呈淡紫色,皮肤像冷冰冰的弹性橡皮一样,上面还覆盖着一层反光的粘液 [1]。 灵吸怪是雌雄同体的生物 [2]。 灵吸怪一般生活在地底的城市中,规模从200 …
灵吸怪诸神Gods of the Illithids | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
伊尔神思因Ilsensine: 势力范围: 灵吸怪Illithid(夺心魔) 简介: 即夺心魔神系或灵吸怪神系,由伊尔神思因领导曼泽柯瑞安组成,两者的从属关系中充满了猜忌和刺探。
Ilsensine - Greyhawk Wiki
2010年9月22日 · Ilsensine is the god of Mental Domination and Magic, and the patron deity of illithids (also known as mind flayers). While not the creator of illithids, Ilsensine sees mind flayers as the entities most worthy of dominating the universe. Its symbol is a brain with two tentacles, or a stylized illithid face with four tentacles, rendered in jade ...
夺心魔的起源是魔鬼用提夫林制造的吗? - 百度贴吧
伊尔神思因是一个比曼泽柯瑞安更广泛的哲学理想,在使许多学者认定它一定是两个“神祗”中更重要或更强大的那一个。 伊尔神思因不仅仅代表了对自己思想的掌握,还代表了与宇宙知识的领域之间的心灵结合。 不同的主脑对这种状态的构成以及如何达到这种状态有不同的解释。 献身于伊尔神思因的主脑和灵吸怪有时追求控制知识的神祗们的方法,或者甚至渴望取代这些神以达到完全融入宇宙意识的状态。 夺心魔的起源是魔鬼用..看到有人说夺心魔的种族神伊尔神思因,是魔鬼 …
Ilsensine - Spelljammer Wiki | Fandom
Ilsensine, also known as the Great Brain or the Tentacled Lord, is the illithid god of mental dominion and magic. Ilsensine is revered by all who would enslave the thoughts of others, whether they are illithids or not. Ilsensine is a cold, calculating being …
幽暗地域诸神Gods of Underdark | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
伊尔神思因Ilsensine: G: LE: 无: 夺心魔(灵吸怪)主神,伟大之脑: 曼泽柯瑞安Maanzecorian: I→Dead→D: CN: 无: 灵吸怪知识之神,是 晦暗 的第一批受害者之一: 眼魔诸神Gods of the Beholders: 大主母Great Mother: G: CE: 无: 眼魔主神,混乱的终极贤哲,据说她知晓一切: 格泽姆 …
Ilsensine, the Great Brain « AuldDragon's AD&D Blog
2024年7月5日 · The terrible and powerful patron of the illithids is Ilsensine, the Great Brain. A deity of pure mental energy, it exhorts its followers to take their rightful place of domination over all other races of the multiverse.
Ilsensine | Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki | Fandom
"Knowledge is the greatest commodity, darkness the greatest illumination, the mind the greatest power, and the illithids the greatest race" — Creed of Ilsensine [1] Ilsensine is a deity in the Greyhawk pantheon.
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