ILY (I LOVE YOU) • ASL Dictionary - handspeak.com
2019年2月15日 · The ILY handshape is a combination of the three fingerspelled letters: I+L+Y (I Love You). It is used to, often informally, express "I love you" among family members, as well …
ILY (I Love You) in Sign Language - handspeak.com
2019年2月15日 · ILY (I Love You) in Sign Language. The handshape ILY is all-known in ASL/Deaf culture. The three initials of I, L, and Y handshapes are blended into the standalone …
ILY (LSQ) • ASL Dictionary - handspeak.com
Signs for ILY (LSQ) Meaning: a Canadian-French abbreviation of "Je vous aime" (in a formal way, 2nd-person plural) or "Je t'aime" (2nd-person singular in more intimate way).
LOVE • ASL Dictionary - handspeak.com
Just a regular "ILY" with a few variations of movement can be expressed as an abbreviation for "I LOVE YOU" during farewell between a child and her/his parent. Related signs: ILY . Old ASL
ASL-to-English Reverse Dictionary - handspeak.com
Search ASL words/signs in American Sign Language dictionary by native, authentic ASL signers.
GOODBYE • ASL Dictionary - handspeak.com
For "au revoir", meaning: Good-bye until we meet again. Basically, this phrase equivalent to ASL is "SEE YOU LATER, BYE-BYE". Vocabulary. Also see BYE, BYE-BYE, ILY (I love you).
VALENTINE • ASL Dictionary - handspeak.com
How to sign 'Valentine' in American Sign Language (ASL)? Meaning: Valentine; a card sent to a sweetheart or friend on the Valentine's Day. Pronunciation (sign description): Fingertips of …
AIRPLANE • ASL Dictionary - handspeak.com
"How do you say "airplane" in American Sign Language?" Meaning: An aircraft with wings capable of flight, generally heavier than air and driven by jet engines or propellers. Pronunciation (sign …
Sign Language • ASL | HandSpeak®
Sign Language resources online including ASL dictionary, tutorials, grammar, sentences, alphabet, Deaf culture, baby signing, and more.
ILY (I LOVE YOU) • ASL Dictionary - handspeak.com
The ILY handshape is a combination of the three fingerspelled letters: I+L+Y (I Love You). It is used to, often informally, express "I love you" among family members, as well as sometimes …