Ima Ghaeli - BIDMC . Harvard Medical School - LinkedIn
View Ima Ghaeli’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. An experienced research, bench and imaging scientist at bio/nano interface with a… · BIDMC .
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- 位置: BIDMC . Harvard Medical School
Ima GHAELI | PostDoc Position | PhD, biomedical engineering
Ima Ghaeli currently works at City of Hope Hospital on SMLM technique to identify and characterize extracellular vesicles isolated directly from cancer patient biofluids. Previously, she worked...
Ima Ghaeli - Google Scholar
Research Fellow at BIDMC . Harvard Medical School - Cited by 121.
Single Extracellular VEsicle Nanoscopy - PubMed
Here, we combined affinity isolation with super-resolution imaging to comprehensively assess EV subpopulations from human plasma. Our Single Extracellular VEsicle Nanoscopy (SEVEN) assay successfully quantified the number of affinity-isolated EVs, their size, shape, molecular tetraspanin content, and heterogeneity.
Single Extracellular VEsicle Nanoscopy - Wiley Online Library
2023年7月8日 · Ima Ghaeli. Department of Cancer Biology and Molecular Medicine, Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center, Duarte, California, USA. Search for more papers by this author
Single Extracellular VEsicle Nanoscopy - PMC
To provide an efficient strategy for assessing specific EV subpopulations, here we developed a new approach called Single Extracellular VEsicle Nanoscopy (SEVEN).
Ima Ghaeli (0000-0002-9837-1912) - ORCID
2022年4月25日 · ORCID record for Ima Ghaeli. ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
What is the main reason of polysaccharides binding to T4 TSP?
Read 2 answers by scientists to the question asked by Ima Ghaeli on Oct 13, 2016
胶原蛋白/丝素大分子体系在稀溶液和固态中的相行为和混溶性研 …
本研究介绍了一种稳定的单相胶原蛋白和再生丝素蛋白 (RSF) 混合物的配方,通过使用盐离子诱导静电相互作用,这两种大分子之间具有最高的混溶比。 为此,基于对不同比例混合溶液的相行为的观察,为混合物实验性地建立了三元相图。 混合溶液在相图混溶区的混溶行为通过粘度测量定量确认。 评估生物聚合物混合比和盐离子的影响,在混合溶液透析之前和之后,揭示了离子特异性相互作用在形成含有胶原蛋白和 RSF 混合物的凝聚层材料中的重要性,这些材料可用于制药、药 …
Ima Ghaeli Email & Phone Number | Postdoctoral Fellow at
Ima Ghaeli is a Postdoctoral Fellow at City of Hope based in Duarte, California. Previously, Ima was an Independent Researcher - Biotech Field at Biotech Field and also held positions at i3S, University of Porto, INEB Institute.
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