IMA è uno dei primari operatori del mercato della distribuzione all'ingrosso di prodotti office, professional e consumabili. Coniughiamo, con professionalità e competenza, la domanda dei Rivenditori con l’offerta dei Vendors. Ascoltare, collaborare, suggerire: queste sono le chiavi del nostro successo.
I.M.A. S.r.l.
IMA, link between the universe of I.T. market dealers and the most innovative technological proposals from the most qualified Vendors. IMA's strategic vision, since 1985, is to create the best collaboration between the resale channel (B2B - B2C - Retail - Etailer) and the Vendors.
IMA Group • Automated Solutions for Packaging Industry
IMA Group is world leader in the design and manufacture of automatic machines for the processing and packaging of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, tea and coffee.
IMA Srl - Chemical products for synthetic leather production
IMA Srl - Chemical products for synthetic leather production - Mortara (PV) - Italy
IMA Srl - Chemical products for synthetic leather production
IMA srl passes from the marketing to the production (polymerization) of polyurethane resins in the new head office in Via Segrè in Mortara. IMA srl is present on the world market with products specially designed for the production of artificial leathers. IMA srl has a productive capacity of 10,000 T/year with its 34 employees.
Il Gruppo IMA acquisisce le divisioni Packaging Machinery e
Il Gruppo IMA rafforza la propria presenza nei settori farmaceutico e dei beni di consumo. Il 1° agosto 2024 il Gruppo IMA, attraverso la neocostituita IMA Sarong, ha completato il closing per l’acquisizione delle divisioni Packaging Machinery e Packaging Materials di Sarong, entrambe con sede a Reggiolo (Reggio Emilia).
I.M.A. - S.R.L., Partita IVA: 00967220427, Fatturato, Dipendenti, PEC
PEC: [email protected]; Fatturato: € 64.054.866,00 (2023) ACQUISTA BILANCIO; Dipendenti : 23 (2024)
IMA Group • Automated Solutions for Packaging Industry
IMA è leader mondiale nella progettazione e produzione di macchine automatiche per il processo e il confezionamento di prodotti farmaceutici, cosmetici, alimentari, tè e caffè.
I.M.A. srl - Italyexport
The products of I.M.A. srl are 100% made in Italy, starting from millstones and metal components, produced entirely in the company thanks to a technology perfected over time, the result of the wisdom of experts in the sector.
IMA Srl - Industria Meccanica Applicata - ZoomInfo
IMA Srl - Industria Meccanica Applicata contact info: Phone number: +39 438912377 Website: www.imaitaly.com What does IMA Srl - Industria Meccanica Applicata do? IMA S.r.l. was founded in 1989 in Northeast Italy to design and manufacture precision gear pumps, spinning beams for textile industry and mechanical equipment for medical industry.