Is Imhotep Joseph? - Biblical Chronologist
There is no hint anywhere that Imhotep was anything but a real Egyptian, which is exactly what Joseph was not. And Joseph's Egyptian name [Zaphenath-paneah (Genesis 41:45)] is totally …
BC Correspondence: Tree Rings - Biblical Chronologist
Correspondence with Dr. Aardsma about tree ring dating. Correspondence: Tree Rings December 5, 2006 Hello, [Note that the original article pointed to by the following link has now been …
The People Who Died at Ai: A Look at an Ancient Way of Life
The People Who Died at Ai Mark Aardsma, eldest son of Dr. Gerald E. Aardsma, was invited to 'lecture' to the Biblical Chronology 101 'class' in 2002.
BC Topics - biblicalchronologist.org
Overview The following list of BC web-published topics is only a sampling of topics found in The Biblical Chronologist research newsletter.
Correspondence: Noah's Flood - Biblical Chronologist
Correspondence: Noah's Flood September 23, 2012 Dear Dr. Aardsma, I've always believed a water vapor canopy protected pre-Flood Earth from damaging rays from the heavens, and …
Is Bryant Wood's chronology of Jericho valid? - Biblical Chronologist
A critical analysis of Bryant G. Wood's assertion that . Is Bryant Wood's chronology of Jericho valid? The following article is abstracted from The Biblical Chronologist Volume 2, Number 3.
BC: Age of the Earth Collection
Open Access PDF Web published 2002. Title: The Biblical Chronologist Age of the Earth Collection Author: Gerald E. Aardsma, Ph.D.
The People Who Died at Ai: A Look at an Ancient Way of Life
A feature by The Biblical Chronologist about the people who were conquered at Ai by Joshua's Israelite army.
Resources: Books: Noah's Flood Happened 3520 B.C.
This book shows that the Flood happened, that it happened 3520 B.C., and that it happened just the way the Bible says it did.
Dr. Aardsma - Biblical Chronologist
2020年3月9日 · Dr. Aardsma Scientist, Chronologist, and Christian. Dr. Gerald E. Aardsma (shown at right in Israel in June 2000) obtained B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in physics from the …