International Mariners Management Association of Japan - IMMAJ
IMMAJ supports the safe operation of the Japanese merchant fleet (FOC vessels) by negotiating work conditions and providing training for non-Japanese Seafarers.
国際船員労務協会 | IMMAJ
Welcome to IMMAJ -PJMCC Foundation, Inc.
2024年9月11日 · On May 23, 2024, the IMMAJ-PJMCC Foundation, Inc. (FINC) hosted a celebratory luncheon for the 46 IMMAJ scholars and their families at the Mess Hall of the Capt. Gregorio S. Oca Building, Maritime Academy of Asia …
association - IMMAJ
IMMAJ shall contribute to the development of the Japanese maritime industry by securing the supply of excellent seafarers to the Japanese merchant fleet, by way of (a) ensuring good working conditions for foreign seafarers on board Japanese merchant FOC vessels through international labor negotiations and (b) promoting education and training to ...
The International Mariners Management Association of Japan (IMMAJ) is an organization of 95 companies (as of 01 June 2011) including crewing agencies, ship management companies and ship owners covering 2,193 vessels with 45,470 seafarers.
Immaj (Pvt.) Ltd.
Immaj Holdings is continuously involved in the task of accelerating growth in various industries; including Infrastructure, energy, social up-lift, consultancy, hospitality and urban development …
About Us - IMMAJ -PJMCC Foundation
2003年2月19日 · The FINC was formed through the collaborative efforts of the International Mariners Management Association of Japan (IMMAJ) and the Philippine-Japan Manning Consultative Council, Inc. (PJMCC), who share the common goal of advancing the quality of Filipino seafarers, especially those working onboard …
国際船員労務協会創立30周年 海運・船員の最前線で | テーマ別特 …
―海運・船員の最前線で 国際船員労務協会(immaj)は1984年に船員配乗会社11社が集って前身の国際船員協会として産声を上げ た。 それから今年で30年。
協会概要 - 国際船員労務協会
【インタビュー 新会長に聞く外国人船員教育】国際船員労務協会 …
国際船員労務協会(国船協、IMMAJ)の新会長に、11年間事務局長を務めた井上登志仁氏が就任した。 国船協の活動内容は日本商船隊の便宜置籍船(FOC船)に乗船する外国人船員に適用されるIBF労働協約改定交渉と、同協約に基づく基金を利用した外国人船員の教育訓練事業が大きな柱だ。 「これまで務めてきた事務局長の経験を生かして歴代の会長が進めてきた事業をさらに発展させていきたい」と意欲を示す井上氏に今後の活動方針などを聞いた。 (聞き手 船木正 …
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