ImmuCyst® 適合膀胱內使用,可用以治療膀胱原發性或復發性原位癌 CIS、 預防膀胱原位癌之復發、原發性或Ta 及/或T1 期之復發性乳突腫瘤經尿道切除 術 TUR 治療後提供預防之用、或用於上述任何組合,不論其先前所接受的膀
ImmuCyst® is indicated for intravesical use in the treatment of primary or recurrent carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the urinary bladder, for prophylaxis of recurrence of CIS of the urinary bladder and for prophylaxis
ImmuCyst - Uses, Side Effects, Interactions - MedBroadcast.com
ImmuCyst: Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) belongs to the group of cancer-fighting medications known as antineoplastics. BCG is thought to treat cancer in the bladder by stimulating the body's own defense system to attack the cancer cells.
ImmuCyst (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) - RxMed
Efficacy of ImmuCyst: Several published studies have proven the effectiveness of ImmuCyst for patients with superficial bladder cancer at the CIS, Ta and T1 stages, including 2 multicentre controlled, randomized trials. In the first, ImmuCyst was compared to doxorubicin HCl among patients with either CIS or recurrent papillary tumors or both.
IMMUCYST*1FL POLVxSOSP巴斯德冻干粉注射剂中文说明书
2022年6月13日 · 本品 (BCG免疫治疗剂)适用於膀胱内使用,治疗膀胱之初级復发性原位癌 (CIS),以降低肿瘤再发之频率。 其适用於治疗伴有或未伴有乳头状肿瘤之原位癌。 但不适用於治疗单独发生之乳头状瘤。 本品亦用作膀胱对其他原位癌 (CIS)治疗疗程无法反应后之补救疗法。 治疗及预防膀胱原发或復发性原位癌或经尿道切除后之表浅性乳头瘤 (TA及T1)。 【用法用量】 膀胱内治疗及预防膀胱原位癌 (CIS)应於切片检查或经尿道切除手术后7至14天开始。 一次剂量3小 …
[ImmuCyst intravesical (freeze-dried preparation made from the
From these studies, freeze-dried BCG preparation (immu-Cyst) seemed to be very useful for the treatment of superficial bladder cancer and carcinoma in situ of urinary bladder. Compared with anticancer drug treatments, BCG prevented the recurrence the disease for a long time.
IMMUCYST (卡介苗免疫治疗剂)-药品说明书与价格-中国新特药网 …
本品 (BCG免疫治疗剂)适用於膀胱内使用,治疗膀胱之初级復发性原位癌 (CIS),以降低肿瘤再发之频率。 其适用於治疗伴有或未伴有乳头状肿瘤之原位癌。 但不适用於治疗单独发生之乳头状瘤。 本品亦用作膀胱对其他原位癌 (CIS)治疗疗程无法反应后之补救疗法。 治疗及预防膀胱原发或復发性原位癌或经尿道切除后之表浅性乳头瘤(TA及T1)。 膀胱内治疗及预防膀胱原位癌 (CIS)应於切片检查或经尿道切除手术后7至14天开始。 一次剂量3小瓶,本品 (BCG免疫治疗剂)由膀胱 …
Immucyst 1FL polvxsosp 81mg(巴斯德冻干粉注射剂) - 膀胱癌 …
ImmuCys 81mg(BCG Immunotherapeutic ImmuCyst)是一种膀胱内使用剂,用于治疗原发性或复发性膀胱原位癌(CIS),预防膀胱原位癌复发,以及预防原发性和复发期Ta和/或T1乳头状肿瘤经尿道电切术(TUR)后的预防,或其任何组合,而不管先前的膀胱内治疗。
IMMUCYST 81mg(卡介苗免疫治疗剂 イムシスト膀注用) - 膀胱 …
ImSyst ® has been used for treatment of patients with superficial bladder cancer and bladder intraepithelial carcinoma since its release in 2003 in Japan. In addition, adjuvant therapy by imsist after TURBT has been approved in 52 countries around the world as an effective treatment for preventing the recurrence and development of bladder cancer.
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