Imoen | Baldur's Gate Wiki | Fandom
Imoen is available to be recruited from Chapter 1 on. She's the first companion who offers to join the protagonist and will join despite any answer given in dialogue. Her valuable thieving skills, such as detect and disarm traps, open locks, pick-pockets, etc., can be very beneficial for a …
When Should I rescue Imoen? - Steam Community
2017年4月23日 · There are re-spawnable foes that come in herds, and give over 8k XP each, plus the XP per mission is insanely large. Watcher's Keep is jus amazing. But for a person starting out in BG2, it's best to wait till high level to try it. For a seasoned player, it may be advisable to try it when reaching mid level.
爱蒙到底在几级转比较好?又有那些重要区别?【博得之门吧】_百 …
官方设定在地牢出发是7级,玩家自建1级起的有人是在10级转,有人是在11级转。 本人目前是13级转法,主要想多点点数加解除陷阱。 爱蒙到底几级转是最好选择,我在13级转,一代通关了都没恢复盗贼功能,马上就要见强尼了,万一出地牢还没恢复,等到禁魔之后还不知是个啥模样,会否出bug? 实在担心啊! 在此烦请各路高手指教则个,万谢! u0018. 121.237.218.* 问话罗嗦,不好意思。 或者大家说下自己的选择,我择众者而从之。 妹妹有用来救的..... 如果 …
Baldur's Gate 2 Online Walkthrough - Imoen - Sorcerer's Place
Background information: Imoen is your step-sister from your childhood at Candlekeep. As a dual-classed Thief/Mage she has just enough Thief abilities to see the party through, though she …
Imoen | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
Imoen (pronounced: /ˈ ɪ m m oʊ ɛ n / IMM-oh-en[7])was an adventurer and mage that traveled across Faerûn during the mid–14 th century DR. She was one of the mortal children spawned by the deity Bhaal a decade before the Time of Troubles. [2][4][5] Heya! it's me, Imoen. She had wide eyes and a manner of speech that was beyond her years. [8]
Fastest way to get Imoen back? (Spoilers) — Beamdog Forums
So I was wondering what is the fastest way to get the money together to pay off the thieves or the vampires and get on my way to Spellhold? If you pick up all the sellable items and don't buy anything then you can have enough money just by completing the De'arnise Keep quest.
Imoen Romance :: Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition BG2EE …
Anyone know where I can download? I think it's on Sorcerers Palace, but could be wrong. There's also the Imoen Friendship mod, that it's a different mod that used to be compatible and could be ran simultaneously, but AFAIK since ToB support was added to the Imoen Romance mod, you run the risk of having simultaneous banters from both mods.
Imoen - Baldur's Gate II - GameBanshee
How To Acquire: Imoen is responsible for releasing you from your cage, she'll join you at the very beginning of the game. While resting at the Tankard Tree in Saradush, Aerie asks if Imoen is concerned that she will turn into the Slayer.
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Steam Community
2016年12月12日 · Just dual class Imoen at level 4. If you have her as a pure thief, you can use her for laying down traps. Surely you will find her more useful as a mage. You cannot "build" her like a custom companion anyway. Her attributes are fixed. You may give her some of the Tomes, but BG2EE will reset her to game defaults.
BG2 - When to go rescue Imoen : r/baldursgate - Reddit
2022年12月8日 · One way to solve it, is to go with: Option number 3 - Mods. I found the Imoen 4 Ever mod to be a near perfect solution on subsequent runs of BGEE2. It gives you Imoen back, shortly after her capture. It also adjusts the cutscenes and the story accordingly, including her infamous belt from Irenicus Dungeon (thinking about it makes me chuckle).