ImperialHal - Liquipedia Apex Legends Wiki
Often nicknamed as the CEO, ImperialHal is one of the most successful players in Apex Legends alongside long-time duo Jordan "Reps" Wolfe. He has notably won the X Games, Preseason Invitational, 2023 Split 1 Playoffs, and the 2023 ALGS Championship.
ImperialHal - Wikipedia
Phillip Dosen (born May 31, 1999), [1] better known by his online alias and gaming handle ImperialHal (or simply Hal), is an American professional Apex Legends player currently playing for Team Falcons. Nicknamed "the CEO", Hal played as the In-Game Leader (IGL) for Team SoloMid (TSM) from 2019 to 2024.
tsm_imperialhal - Twitch
ImperialHal streams live on Twitch! Check out his videos, sign up to chat, and join his community.
ImperialHal Apex Legends settings, crosshair & config
2025年1月14日 · Phillip “ImperialHal” Dosen is a professional Apex Legends player from the United States of America. He has won many high tier tournaments, including the ALGS: 2022 Split 1 Playoffs – North America as well as 2019’s Apex Legends Preseason Invitational.
《Apex英雄》明星選手「ImperialHal」告別TSM,轉投DarkZero …
2024年5月14日 · 《Apex 英雄》(Apex Legends)知名選手「ImperialHal」Phillip Dosen 宣布離開 Team Solo Mid(TSM)戰隊,下一個東家確定是 DarkZero eSports。 這則消息在今(14)日凌晨由 ImperialHal 個人透過 X/Twitter 發布影片與貼文公告所確認,解釋了他的決定與他在北美電競組織的旅程,而 ...
ImperialHal leaves TSM to join former rivals on Apex super team
2024年5月13日 · In a shocking roster move, ImperialHal ended his five-year stint with North American giants TSM today to team with his rivals from DarkZero, joining Genburten and Zer0 to form an Apex Legends...
ImperialHal离开TSM - 哔哩哔哩
2024年5月14日 · ImperialHal离开TSM 3148观看 0弹幕 TSM官宣hal离队,配文“The Greatest Of All Time.”并发布了一则长达10分钟的纪录片,纪念hal在TSM取得的伟大成就以及他给TSM带来的辉煌。
ImperialHal leaves TSM, joining up with DarkZero | esports.gg
2024年5月13日 · Apex icon ImperialHal has announced he is leaving TSM. The 'Apex CEO' has competed under the TSM banner since March 2019 earning almost three quarters of a million dollars with the organisation. ImperialHal also has announced he will be linking up with Zer0 and Genburten at DarkZero.
IMPERIALHAL,《Apex 英雄》电竞职业选手。
冬记 | 百分百Apex英雄:ImperialHal - 游民星空
2023年12月19日 · 在只有H1Z1前150名才能参加的单排赛事中,ImperialHal获得了第31名,然而曾经觉得H1Z1职业联赛能够拯救这款游戏继而为之奋斗的ImperialHal,最终幻想伴随着H1Z1职业联赛的停办宣告破灭。