IMR 4895 Loads for .308 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年11月6日 · Re: IMR 4895 Loads for .308 At a hundred yards, the 41.5 gr. IMR 4895 load with a 168 SMK in the MWS is a lot more accurate than I am. (brass or primers don't seem to …
Quickload for IMR 4895 and 30-06? - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2010年7月14日 · RP Brass, CCI 200 primers, 49 grains IMR 4895, 165 grain hornady BTSP. OAL to bullet tip (3.28 inches). I know IMR 4895 is not the "best" for 165 grainers in the 30-06 but …
.308--IMR 4895 vs. IMR 4064? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2008年10月23日 · Re: .308--IMR 4895 vs. IMR 4064? IMR 4895 is almost as good as Hodgen's 4895. Why? Hodgen 4895 has the same temp insinsitive properties as Varget, burns slightly …
Varget vs. IMR 4895 vs. RE-15 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2008年10月22日 · Re: Varget vs. IMR 4895 vs. RE-15 I hear ya Sobr. Actually when I started out, IMR4895 was the first powder I tried. I used a 168gr Amax with 40.5gr 4895 (I know, I started …
6.5 Creedmoor 140gr HPBT with IMR 4895 - Sniper's Hide
2020年11月18日 · Hello, I am brand new to this forum. I have been reloading .308 and 30-06 using IMR 4895 powder with good results for many years. I did a search on the forums here to …
IMR4895 H4895 Alternative | Sniper's Hide Forum
2024年3月13日 · Accurate 2495 can be found, It's often overlooked and is in the burn speed of 4895. It's now made in the same General Dynamics powder facility as the IMR powders in …
IMR 4895 - Best uses? - 24hourcampfire
2018年12月29日 · "IMR 4895 was the powder used by Uncle Sam for ALL the 30/06 rounds using before, during and After World War 2, for the M 1 Garand.... along with 30/06 for the Browning …
30-06 loads for 150 grain/ IMR 4895 0r IMR 4064
2024年10月12日 · IMR 4895 was my powder of choice in .308 and IMR 4064 gave best accuracy in .35 Whelen. In .30-06 I loaded IMR 4350 with a 165gr. Sierra Game King, used this load to …
IMR4895 works well for reduced .30-06 loads - 24hourcampfire
2024年4月12日 · I shoot the IMR 4895 exclusively in my M1 Garand. The powder was designed for the Garand so as not to bend the operating rod. It shoots well in other cartridges. Not the …
IMR4895 vs H4895? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2022年1月4日 · Your H4895 is 94 on the burn chart, IMR4895 is 96 on the burn chart. I've got one pound of the IMR I was going to use. But until I've got more of it I don't want to do load …