avanti - Dizionario italiano-inglese WordReference
avanti avv (indica posizione o direzione frontale) ahead adv : forward adv : in front of adv : Vai avanti tu e noi ti seguiremo. Go ahead and we'll follow. avanti avv (poi) onward, on adv : D'ora in avanti non accetto più scuse. From this moment onward, I am not accepting any more excuses. avanti avv: letterario (prima) before adv : last adj
What are the different meanings and ways to use “avanti”?
2020年6月6日 · Avanti (ahead/forward) indicates the direction in front of you, and works mostly with verbs of motion: Andare o venire avanti (going or coming forward). Andare avanti e indietro (walk back and forth).
English translation of 'avanti' - Collins Online Dictionary
andare avanti to go forward; (continuare) to go on ⧫ carry on; (figurative: fare progressi) to get on; (: sopravvivere) to get by non aspettatemi, andate avanti! don’t wait for me, go on (ahead)! non possiamo andare avanti così we can’t carry or go on like this
avanti - Translation into English - examples Italian - Reverso …
Translations in context of "avanti" in Italian-English from Reverso Context: in avanti, andare avanti, passo avanti, portare avanti, più avanti
Avanti Avanti - Dizionario italiano-inglese WordReference
Go ahead and we'll follow. D'ora in avanti non accetto più scuse. From this moment onward, I am not accepting any more excuses. È venuto a trovarci la settimana avanti. He came to visit us the week before. He came to visit us last week. Avanti! La porta è aperta. Come in! The door is open. Cammina sempre avanti a me. Always walk in front of me.
Avanti, translation in English | Italian-English dictionary - Reverso
c (tempo, posteriore a) d'ora in avanti from now on più avanti later essere avanti con gli o negli anni to be well on in years il mio orologio è o va avanti my watch is fast mettere avanti l'orologio to put the clock forward
avanti in English - Italian-English Dictionary | Glosbe
Translation of "avanti" into English . forward, ahead, fast are the top translations of "avanti" into English. Sample translated sentence: Devo mettere il mio orologio avanti di due minuti. ↔ I must put my watch forward two minutes.
avanti - translation into English - dict.com dictionary | Lingea
(in) avanti ahead, forward (go, look etc.), (form.) forth: 2. (lit.) before (that) phr: avanti di fare qc (lit.) before (doing) sth avanti e indietro to and fro, back and forth Vada avanti. Go ahead. (before others) Avanti! Come in!
in avanti - Dizionario italiano-inglese WordReference
in avanti: forward, ahead, onwards adv : foremost adv : Questa novità rappresenta un passo in avanti rispetto alla nostra situazione. This new development represents a step forward in terms of our situation.
Understanding "andare avanti" Idiom: Meaning, Origins & Usage ...
“Andare avanti” can simply mean to continue with an action or task without interruption. It implies perseverance and determination to carry on despite challenges or obstacles. This variation emphasizes progress and advancement. It signifies taking steps towards achieving a desired outcome or making positive changes in one’s life or circumstances.
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