PHP Operators - W3Schools
PHP Operators. Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values. PHP divides the operators in the following groups: Arithmetic operators; Assignment operators; Comparison operators; Increment/Decrement operators; Logical operators; String operators; Array operators; Conditional assignment operators
PHP: Operators - Manual
Finally, there is a single ternary operator, ? :, which takes three values; this is usually referred to simply as "the ternary operator" (although it could perhaps more properly be called the …
What does double question mark (??) operator mean in PHP
It's the "null coalescing operator", added in php 7.0. The definition of how it works is: It returns its first operand if it exists and is not NULL; otherwise it returns its second operand. So it's actually just isset() in a handy operator. Those two are equivalent 1: $foo = $bar ?? 'something'; $foo = isset($bar) ? $bar : 'something';
syntax - What does "->" or "=>" mean in PHP? - Stack Overflow
2024年6月2日 · since PHP 7.4 => operator is also used for the arrow functions, a more concise syntax for anonymous functions. => is used in associative array key value assignment. Take a look at Arrays. -> is used to access an object method or property. Example: $obj->method(). calls/sets object variables. Example: Sets key/value pairs for arrays. Example:
operators - What is the use of the @ symbol in PHP? - Stack ...
2009年6月23日 · PHP supports one error control operator: the at sign (@). When prepended to an expression in PHP, any error messages that might be generated by that expression will be ignored.
PHP ?? vs. ?: – What's the Difference? - Designcise
2018年5月14日 · What's the Difference Between ?? and ?: in PHP? The elvis operator (?:) is actually a name used for shorthand ternary (which was introduced in PHP 5.3). It has the following syntax: ?? (Null Coalescing Operator) ?: vs. ?? This post was published 14 May, 2018 (and was last revised 06 Jun, 2021) by Daniyal Hamid.
PHP Operators - GeeksforGeeks
2024年6月5日 · In this article, we will see how to use the operators in PHP, & various available operators along with understanding their implementation through the examples. Operators are used to performing operations on some values.
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