How to connect a load cell and INA125p correctly?
2015年3月5日 · The output swing of the INA125P is approximately 4V (4V - .5V is approximately 4V). The multiplier ("gain") required to bring .004V to 4V is 1000. An ideal InAmp or OpAmp would be able to output voltages from GND to Vin (whatever voltage you're powering them with).
Load cell with INA125P - Sensors - Arduino Forum
2013年10月7日 · My classmates and I are creating a device which needs to dump a tray of sand after it has reached a specific mass. We attempted to follow this tutorial: We are using a load cell salvaged from a pocket scale capable of measuring to one tenth of a gram. This is our circuit at the moment: And here is the code: // Arduino as load cell amplifier // by Christian Liljedahl // christian.liljedahl.dk ...
3 wire Load Cells + INA125P - Arduino Forum
2014年10月2日 · I am using an INA125P to amplify the signal to my Arduino as per the diagram below: I have a regulated 9v dc external supply powering the entire system. I am using a booster to increase the voltage to 10V to the load cells as that is the specified excitation voltage. I am also using this 10V supply to the INA125P
INA125P voltage output too low. - only 0.24v max.
2015年7月27日 · INA125P is connected to 5v. 32u4's VREF is 5volt due to other sensors , so I wish a 0...~5v output. Schematic is attached. Regardless of gain, the max output is only 0 to 0,24v Vref , measured at INA125 pin 4/15 is 3,7v The load cell is a 1mV/V type, pretty common. Why is the output voltage so low ? - Is there a faster way to adapt it to output 0..5v for the 10bit ADC or 32u4 - or should I ...
Load Cell INA125P - Sensors - Arduino Forum
2014年12月20日 · Hi, I am trying to interface Load cell with arduino UNO(328P) and using INA125P as instrumentation amplifier i have 5 wire load cell RED = E+ Black = E- Green = S+ WHITE = S- Shield wire i am using this as a reference for connection and code. the values i am getting as a result vary too much that there is too much difference in values with NO LOAD applied. i havn't use the shield wire do i ...
Strain Gauge to INA125 Troubles - Sensors - Arduino Forum
2012年10月9日 · So I purchased a 2kg scale with the intention to link it to an arduino to send the scale readings to the serial port for further use. I obtained a INA125P In-amp with the hopes to amplify the signal to do this. There are several examples out there of folks hacking scales in this manner. I am running into some issues where the output sweep seems to be limited and I'm not sure why. The ...
Instrument Amplifier INA 125P with Load Cell - Arduino Forum
2018年11月12日 · im using a INA125P to amplify a load cell. the load cell output goes to a 16 bit ADC (measurin differential voltage) that communicates with an UNO. the Uno, adc, and amplifier share a common ground. its a 2000lb load cell with a 3 mv/v slope. Granted its oversize for what i need but it still should work. i am using a single sided power supply (can make it a dual with resistors if needed ...
Protenzione ingresso analogico MEGA 2560 R3 - Arduino Forum
2024年8月25日 · Buonasera a tutti, sto usando l'amplificatore per strumentazione INA125P per leggere su uno degli ingressi analogici del MEGA 2560 R3 l'output di una cella di carico. Per inciso, uso una delle tensioni di riferimento dell'integrato per alimentare il ponte (ponte intero). Sto alimentanto l'INA125P con tensione duale +12V, -12V. Ho realizzato anche un piccolo circuitino di supporto (come ...
Load Cell and ADS1115 as ADC, do I need an additional OpAmp …
2013年11月9日 · The INA125P is an amplifier, capable of amplifying a signal up to 10,000x. It will work with a load cell but without an accompanying analog-to-digital converter (ADC) you'll be stuck with the Arduino's 10bits of precision (1024 measurement points). The MCP3551 is an ADC converter with 22bits of precision (4,194,304 measurement points).
Arduino and Load Cell ( INA125P or HX711 ?)
2015年4月6日 · Hello, I am trying to measure milli gram loads using a 100g load cell from Phidgets: Single Point Load Cell- 100g - 3139_0 at Phidgets I could not find a load cell which measures deci grams or smaller loads. There are such load cells from ATI but they cost thousands of dollars ☹ If anyone can suggest me a cheaper source, that would be really helpful. From other forum topics it seems like ...