Scientific journal - iNAP Thailand
Yamaguchi – “The Effect of Intermittent Negative Air Pressure, iNAP® on Subjective Daytime Sleepiness in Middle-aged Patients with Moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea”, J. Sleep Disord. Ther., vol.9, Iss.5, 2020.
iNAP負壓呼吸器- 國際論文及臨床研究
2021年,國際睡眠醫學重要期刊 Sleep Medicine有一篇關於iNAP的醫學論文,其內容為針對台灣睡眠呼吸中止症患者使用負壓睡眠呼吸裝置iNAP治療的療效追蹤及安全性評估。
iNAP Negative Air Pressure Therapy Gains Momentum as CPAP …
2024年12月17日 · Key Takeaway: The heir to Winx, iNAP delivers light suction inside the oral cavity and idles once it reaches a target pressure. Who Does iNAP Work For? Clinical studies suggest iNAP improves the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) in people with all OSA severity levels.
Products - SOMNICS
The iF award-winning iNAP One sleep therapy system utilizes oral negative pressure technology to treat obstructive sleep apnea patients. The system includes an integrated console and a memory-fit oral interface.
International research - iNAP Thailand
The intra-oral negative air pressure (iNAP) therapy has earned 155 patents issued worldwide and has been featured in more than 35 publications in peer-reviewed journals. According to iNAP® One Pivotal Study, 88% of patients reported a significant improvement and the therapy demonstrated a 75% clinical success rate.
iNAP is a new alternative, non-surgical device for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in adults. The system uses a soft, flexible mouthpiece, thin tubing, and a quiet battery-powered console.
How does iNAP's mechanism compare to other OSA treatments, …
iNAP is a new oral negative pressure device for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in adults. The iNAP device uses a mouthpiece that fits over the tongue and creates a gentle vacuum. This negative pressure pulls the soft palate forward and the tongue upward, preventing them from obstructing the airway.
iNAP負壓呼吸器- 國際論文及臨床研究
The intra-oral negative air pressure (iNAP) therapy has earned 155 patents issued worldwide and has been featured in more than 35 publications in peer-reviewed journals. According to iNAP® One Pivotal Study, 88% of patients reported a significant improvement and the therapy demonstrated a 75% clinical success rate.
What is iNAP? - iNAP Team
iNAP is a new nonsurgical device for use at home for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in adults. The system uses a soft, flexible mouthpiece, thin tubing, and a quiet battery-powered console to deliver a light, oral vacuum to comfortably open your airway while you breathe normally through your nose during sleep.
How does the iNAP work? – iNAP Team
iNAP's intermittent negative airway pressure effectively eliminates sleep apnea by keeping the airway open and allowing you to breathe naturally and sleep peacefully. While you sleep, iNAP delivers a gentle suction inside the oral cavity, moving the soft tissues forward and stabilizing the tongue away from the airway.