Power in Friendship - National Inclusion Project
Designed for families of children with disabilities AND those with typically developing children, the Power in Friendship toolkit provides ALL parents the resources they need to help their child build inclusive friendships. Find out everything you need to know to bring inclusion to your home, including: What is inclusion and why it's important
Friends and Inclusion Why Friends? Friendships are an important aspect of all our lives. Immeasurable benefits result from having friends, depending on the meaning we attach to the concept and the depth of the relationships. Some widely agreed upon benefits of meaningful relationships include:1 § providing companionship for people of all ages.
Inclusion means that children of all abilities are able to build friendships and participate in activities together. This toolbox is focused on building friendships, but the work of the National Inclusion Project extends to training professionals on how to foster inclusion in recreational activities, afterschool programs, and camp settings.
Promising Practices to Support Friendships in Inclusive Classrooms
The promise of inclusion is that children with disabilities will actually learn alongside, play with, and be friends with children without disabilities. While the first of these may be fairly easy to achieve, helping children, especially those with significant disabilities, to play with children with and without disabilities and become friends ...
Friendship formation in inclusive early childhood classrooms: …
2003年12月1日 · The 11 items include four “passive” strategies (i.e., provide sufficient free choice time, allow friends to play off on their own, let children form their own friendships, allow friends to exclude other children) and seven “active” strategies (i.e., help to solve problems or resolve conflict, make special materials or activities ...
Friendship networks in inclusive elementary classrooms: Changes …
2023年6月10日 · In this study, we examined longitudinally formation and stability in friendship networks in inclusive elementary classrooms, considering students’ gender and their self-perceived social inclusion as predictors. Both predicted the changes in friendship networks of Grade 4 students over one school year.
Focus on Friendship: Relationships, Inclusion, and Social
2017年9月23日 · Friendships are a key to social well-being for people with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities. Having a variety of social relationships is important, yet friendships have a unique role in people’s lives.
Science of Friendship - National Inclusion Project
The Science of Friendship model is easily adaptable to virtually any program and has helped children in a variety of situations make friends and feel included--especially when coupled with the tips, advice, and expertise in our Inclusion Toolkit.
Buddy Up | Inclusive Friendship
Buddy Up Network is an app that connects people with disabilities and their caregivers for friendship. It is safe and accessible, and connects people who share interests and understand common experiences. It is accessible to PWD over 18 years, and/or their parents. It is easy to comprehend and use.
IFA | Inclusive Friends Association - Homepage
Inclusive Friends Association (IFA) is a Person with Disability (PWD) woman-led non-profit and non-governmental organization that employs data to address the inclusion and participation challenges of over 30 million PWDs in Nigeria through advocacy, training, and research