I certify that on the _____ day of _____, 20__, service was made of a copy of the foregoing Notice of Hearing by [here insert method of service] on [here insert the name and address for mailing purposes of the respondent judge, each party opposing Relator in the respondent court, and the Attorney General, if service on him is required by Orig ...
IBTR: Certificate of Service - IN.gov
A certificate of service is a statement certifying that a copy of the petition has been served on or provided to the opposing party. Why is it necessary? Indiana law states that in order to obtain a review by the Indiana Board a party must (1) file a petition with the Indiana Board; and (2) mail a copy of the petition to the other party
Secretary of State: Business Services Division: Business Forms - IN.gov
Secretary of State forms are NOT for use by Insurance Corporations or Financial Institutions. Please contact the appropriate state agency for filing instructions.
I certify that on the _____ day of _____, 20__, service was made of a copy of the foregoing Notice of Hearing by [here insert method of service] on [here insert the name and address for mailing purposes of the respondent judge, each party opposing Relator in the respondent court, and the Attorney General, if service on him is required by Orig ...
Sample Certificate of Service | Southern District of Indiana
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on [date], a copy of the foregoing [name of document] was filed electronically. Notice of this filing will be sent to the following parties through the Court's Electronic Case Filing System. Parties …
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on the _____ day of _____, 20____, I served a copy of my _____ [here insert the title or a description of your request] by _____
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE . I hereby certify that I sent a copy of this document on _____ by ☐ e-service using the e-filing system ☐ first-class U.S. mail, postage prepaid ☐ hand delivery . to …
Certificate of Service | Southern District of Indiana | United …
2014年3月3日 · Certificates of Service must be signed by the filing party and must identify the following items: Pleading or paper served; Name and address of each entity served; Manner of service; Date of service; Step-by-Step Instructions. 1. Log into CM/ECF. 2. Select Bankruptcy > Miscellaneous. 3. Enter case number (in the format xx-xxxxx) and click Next ...
Southern District of Indiana . Cert of Service - (rev 01/2018) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE (List additional recipients on a separate sheet and attach) Note: Service must comply with Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 7004. will be sent to the United States Trustee and the case trustee through the Court's . By signing below I understand that the on ...
Forms List - IARA
Form Group: Forms are Maintained and Managed by the Indiana Commission on Public Records ...