How Inergen Works - Effective Fire Protection Solutions
Inergen® – also called IG541 – consists of gases, occurring naturally in the atmosphere (nitrogen 52%, argon 40% and carbon dioxide 8%). This means that there is no impact on the …
INERGEN 200 Bar System | Fire Suppression System | ANSUL
INERGEN systems utilize three atomospheric gases to suppress surface fires in Class A, B, and C hazards by lowering the oxygen concentraion below the level that supports combustion, …
2023年7月18日 · Inergen是由Chemours(前身为 杜邦公司)研发的一种混合气体灭火系统。 由于其出色的灭火性能和对环境的友好特性,Inergen灭火剂很快在全球范围内得到了广泛应用。
昇揚消防工程顧問有限公司-- Inergen (IG-541)自動滅火設備
於 NFPA 2001 海龍替代藥劑中,屬惰性氣體藥劑(Inert Gas Agent)的計有 IG-01 、 IG-100 、 IG-55 及 IG-541 等氣體滅火藥劑。 其命名方式係於 IG (Inert Gas)後加上分別代表 N2 、 Ar …
Gaseous fire suppression - Wikipedia
Gaseous fire suppression, also called clean agent fire suppression, is the use of inert gases and chemical agents to extinguish a fire. These agents are governed by the National Fire …
INERGEN is a breathable gaseous extinguishing agent based on mixtures of various inert type gases. It is the subject of US patent 4,807,706, dated February 28, 1989 (1). The composition …
Advantages and Disadvantages of an Inergen Gas System | MEP Fire
2023年9月18日 · An Inergen gas system is an automatic fire protection system that is used to extinguish fires in enclosed spaces by reducing the oxygen level to 12-15%. It relies on an …
Understanding How Inergen Gas Works - MEP Fire
2023年5月2日 · Inergen substances work against the fire outbreak by reducing the oxygen level of the flames in quick succession before they can cause any lasting damage. If you install an …
Inergen - Hiller Fire
This fire suppression system uses an inert gas that is harmless to humans and pets, making it safe to use in environments where people and animals are present. Unlike traditional fire …
INERGEN® Gas Fire Suppression Systems
INERGEN® is the best known Inert Gas Agent and has been used for more than 20 years. It is used as a reference for both the agent and the hardware. As the best marketed Inert Gas …