InfoTip RTS Portal
InfoTip proudly presents InfoTip RTS, the first vendor independent online logistic- and information service, where subscribed dealers of consumer electronics can register and track their repairs. RTS means Repair Tracking System Coordination, handling and tracking of service and repair business cases can be handled centrally using one common ...
InfoTip RTS-Portal
RTS ist das erfolgreichste Service-Portal in Europa für den Fachhandel. Um auf diesen Bereich zuzugreifen, müssen Sie sich mit Ihrem Benutzernamen und Ihrem Passwort einloggen. Wenn …
Conseil info Portail RTS - InfoTip-RTS
InfoTip vous présente InfoTip RTS, un service indépendant de logistique et d’information, où les revendeurs de produits électroniques grand public adhérents peuvent enregistrer et faire le suivi de leurs réparations. RTS est l’acronyme de Repair Tracking Service.
InfoTip RTS Portal
You can create, manage and edit claims in the ICS. The use of the ICS is free of charge.
Braun Service - InfoTip-RTS
Do you have questions concerning one of our products? Please select your product and follow the step by step instructions. 1. Device Selection. 2. Troubleshooting. 3. Service Registration. 4. Contact Details. 5. Service Summary. Your device does not exist or is no longer in service.
RTS Repair Tracking Service - InfoTip
InfoTip offers a pre-build direct Salesforce Integration with the InfoTip Repair Tracking Service (RTS) in form of a managed packaged with on-platform reporting, logging and customization capabilities.
Home - InfoTip
RTS - Repair Tracking Service. The Repair Tracking Service System enables all service processes and data to be recorded, structured and monitored. The software-as-a-service solution enables transparent control and automation of all service processes, including the control of logistics, work ...
Portale InfoTip RTS
InfoTip è orgogliosa di presentare InfoTip RTS, il primo Servizio on-line di informazioni logistiche, grazie al quale, registrandosi, i rivenditori di elettronica di consumo saranno in grado di tenere traccia delle loro riparazioni e delle richieste di Assistenza post-vendita. RTS = …
Products and services - InfoTip
RTS - Repair Tracking Service. The Repair Tracking Service System enables all service processes and data to be recorded, structured and monitored. The software-as-a-service solution enables transparent control and automation of all service processes, including the control of logistics, work ...
Infotip RTS portaal
InfoTip stelt u met trots InfoTip-RTS voor, het eerste onafhankelijke online logistiek- en informatieservice waar gecontracteerde dealers van consumentenelektronica zich kunnen registreren en hun reparaties kunnen volgen. RTS betekent Repair Tracking System