InfraCal 2 ATR-SP - Oil In Water/Soil Analyzer - Spectro Sci
The InfraCal 2 ATR-SP analyzer is designed to measure solvent extractable material (oil and grease) by infrared determination in water or soil using hexane, pentane, cyclohexane or …
InfraCal 2 Analyzers - Spectro Sci
Welcome to Spectro Scientific, the new home of Wilks Enterprise product and application information for the InfraCal 2 and other Wilks IR analyzer technology. Oil in Water / Soil …
InfraCal 2 TRANS-SP - Oil In Water/Soil Analyzer - Spectro Sci
The InfraCal 2 TRANS-SP, the latest introduction to our easy to use analyzers, uses the same measurement technology as the original InfraCal Model CVH, with added features such as …
Spectro Scientific – Oil in Water/Soil Analyzers – InfraCal 2 Series
The InfraCal Model ATR-SP is recommended for measuring oil in water, TPH in soil or FOG in wastewater concentration levels when using hexane, pentane or Vertrel MCA as the extracting …
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InfraCal 2 分析仪
InfraCal2 水中油分析仪可快速、准确地测量TOG( 总油脂)、FOG(动植物油脂) 和TPH( 总石油烃类物质)在过程水、工业废水和土壤中的含量量。 InfraCal2型分析仪已成石化行业的标配仪器,用 …
Infracal 2 TRANS-SP Oil In Water/Soil Analyzer - Environmental …
The InfraCal 2 TRANS-SP is recommended for measuring oil in water, TPH in soil or FOG in wastewater concentration levels using the traditional EPA methods 413.2 and 418.1 or ASTM …
InfraCal 2 ATR-SP - 水/土壤中油分析仪 - 仪器信息网
InfraCal 2 ATR-SP是检测水中油、土壤中的TPH(总石油烃)及废水的FOG(脂肪、油和油脂)的理想工具。 它采用己烷、戊烷或Vertrel MCA为萃取溶剂。 通过InfraCal 2 ATR-SP获得的检 …
Wilks InfraCal 2 水/土壤中油分析仪 TRANS-SP _参数_价格-仪器信 …
InfraCal 2 TRANS-SP是检测水中油、土壤中的TPH(总石油烃)及废水的FOG(脂肪、油和油脂)的理想工具,它符合EPA413.2和418.1 或者 ASTM D7066-04标准方法,使用Freon-113四 …
InfraCal 2 – Lab Innovations UK
The InfraCal 2 infrared analyser is designed for quick, easy and accurate determination of oil and grease or petroleum hydrocarbons in water and soil. The two models, InfraCal ATR and …
斯派超科技水中油分析仪Wilks InfraCal2 - 仪器信息网
水中油分析仪 InfraCal 2 ATR-SP是检测水中油、土壤中的TPH(总石油烃)及废水的FOG(脂肪、油和油脂)的理想工具。它采用己烷、戊烷或Vertrel MCA为萃取溶剂。