nginx-ingress within kuberntes / how to enable and use geoip?
2018年8月30日 · Find usefull documentation about how to configure Geoip2 for nginx ingress kubernetes deployment. Example Nginx Configuration ConfigMap. You will find the expected ConfigMap name at the nginx controller container entrypoint or environment variables.
kubernetes - how to configure ingress to direct traffic to an https ...
2019年1月31日 · Using Ingress-nginx I was getting certificate errors even using nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/upstream ...
How can I correctly setup custom headers with nginx ingress?
2019年1月7日 · Looks like you are using kubernetes-ingress from NGINX itself instead of ingress-nginx which is the community nginx ingress controller. If you see the supported ConfigMap keys for kubernetes-ingress none of the gzip options are supported.
nginx - Kubernetes Ingress network deny some paths - Stack …
2018年8月16日 · WARNING: since nginx ingress controller v1.9.0, this no longer works unless the *-snippet annotations are explicitly allowed. This also means that any endpoint that was previously protected in this way is no longer protected after upgrading the ingress controller.
nginx - Kubernetes service external ip pending - Stack Overflow
2017年5月22日 · I am trying to deploy nginx on kubernetes, kubernetes version is v1.5.2, I have deployed nginx with 3 replica, YAML file is below, apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name:
502 Bad Gateway with Kubernetes Ingress - Stack Overflow
2019年2月20日 · controlplane ~ kubectl get all -n ingress-nginx NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/ingress-nginx-admission-create-nrwn9 0/1 Completed 0 15m pod/ingress-nginx-controller-5876c7c579-vpsc9 1/1 Running 0 11m NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/ingress-nginx-controller NodePort .
Nginx Ingress controller- Path based routing - Stack Overflow
2020年7月25日 · The nginx ingress controller comes with a default backend which responds to every request that doesn' t match your routes. You can customize that to show whatever you want or you can make your own service and use it as a default backend.
externalTrafficPolicy: local with ingress - Stack Overflow
2022年6月8日 · We want to access only local services via Ingress using K3S (1.23) and Traefik. We have an NGINX gateway running as a DaemonSet on all nodes, exposed as a NodePort 30123 called gateway with externalTrafficPolicy: Local. When we ping https://node1:30123 we consistently get only a local pod from the nginx instance on node1.
Kubernetes ingress nginx redirect to https - Stack Overflow
2021年3月3日 · At least two things: your snippet shows ...force-ssl-redirect: true but annotations should be strings; in your "complete" config, you have both force-ssl-redirect: "true" (now correctly a string) and ssl-redirect: "false" which is unlikely to do what you want; and the details matter about how you are testing with curl versus testing with your browser, so …
Kubernetes ingress-nginx gives 502 error (Bad Gateway)
2019年6月11日 · I have an EKS cluster for which I want : - 1 Load Balancer per cluster, - Ingress rules to direct to the right namespace and the right service. I have been following this guide : https://www.