Activin and inhibin - Wikipedia
Activin and inhibin are two closely related protein complexes that have almost directly opposite biological effects. Identified in 1986, [1][2] activin enhances FSH biosynthesis and secretion, and participates in the regulation of the menstrual cycle.
激活素与抑制素 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
激活素 (英語: Activin,亦成为 激活蛋白 或 活化素)与 抑制素 (英語: inhibin)是一种用于抑制 卵泡刺激素 分泌与组合的 梭氨酸 [1] 。 参与在 月经周期 的调节中。 抑制素属于 转化生长因子-β超家族,由 二硫键 链接起来的α和β亚单位组成。 两种抑制素的β亚单位不同,儘管α亚单位相同。 抑制素由 性腺, 脑垂体, 胎盘 和其他器官分泌。 在女性 卵巢 中, 卵泡刺激素 刺激卵泡中 粒层细胞 的抑制素分泌,随之使卵泡刺激素水平下降,形成负反馈。 促性腺激素释放激素 …
抑制素是什么,它有怎样的作用? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
抑制素(inhibin)是一种从性腺提出的水溶性蛋白,它可以阻止阉割性腺后垂体发生的变化,50年前McCullagh等首先报道了抑制素的存在。 1985年由4个科研小组从卵泡液中分离出抑制素,发现其可以抑制垂体…
Inhibin | Follicle Stimulating, Estrogen Regulation & Gonadotropin ...
Inhibin, hormone secreted by the granulosa cells in the ovaries of women that acts primarily to inhibit the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone by the anterior pituitary gland. Since the major action of follicle-stimulating hormone is to stimulate the formation and function of granulosa
激活素/抑制素 (Activin/Inhibins) | 重组蛋白 | MCE
激活素 (activin) 和抑制素 (inhibin) 属于 TGF-β 家族的 33 个成员,最初被描述为促卵泡激素 (FSH) 分泌和红细胞生成的调节剂。 激活素最初因其增强促性腺激素释放激素 (GnRH) 介导的 FSH 释放的能力而得到认可,并被命名为“激活素”,因为在这种情况下它们的作用在 ...
Activins and Inhibins: Roles in Development, Physiology, and Disease
First identified as regulators of follicle-stimulating hormone secretion and erythropoiesis, activin and inhibin are involved in diverse processes during development and in terminally differentiated cells and tissues.
抑制素 - 百度百科
抑制素是一种由 女性 卵巢颗粒细胞及 男性 睾丸支持细胞分泌的异二聚体 蛋白质 激素。 它选择性抑制卵泡刺激素(FSH)的分泌,对性腺也有局部旁分泌作用。 完整的抑制素分子是一个分子量约为32KD的分子,由两个不同的亚单位(a亚单位和b亚单位)经 二硫键 连接而成。 卵泡液和 血清 中也可以发现a亚单位。 此外,游离的a亚单位与b亚单位没有生物活性。 DSL 的二聚体抑制素BELISA使用一对高度特异的抗体,仅与有功能的抑制素B分子特异性结合,不检测体液中的游 …
Inhibin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Inhibin is a glycoprotein hormone that is involved in regulating the pituitary-gonadal feedback system. It consists of an α-subunit linked to either a β-A or β-B subunit, and is primarily secreted in the ovary. Inhibin is commonly used as a marker for sex cord-stromal tumors of the ovary in gynecologic pathology.
Inhibin - PubMed
Inhibin has been defined as a gonadal hormone that exerts a specific negative feedback action on the secretion of FSH from the gonadotropic cells of the pituitary gland. The existence of inhibin was postulated as early as 1923 (250).
[Inhibin: its origin, nature and role] - PubMed
1983年6月18日 · Inhibin is a protein secreted by the Sertoli cells in men and by the granulosa cells in women. It inhibits the synthesis and release of the follicle-stimulating hormone in the pituitary gland and reduces the hypothalamic LH - releasing hormone content. It also inhibits the multiplication of spermato …