R-INLA Project
R-INLA is a package in R that do approximate Bayesian inference for Latent Gaussian Models. This site is dedicated to that package and methodological developments that goes along with it. What is INLA? Join the discussion!
R-INLA Project - What is INLA?
This manual describes the INLA program, a new instrument which allows the user to easily perform approximate Bayesian inference using integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA). We describe the set of models which can be solved by the inla program and provide a series of worked out examples illustrating its usage in details.
This is the public repository for the r-inla project - GitHub
This respository contains the source code for the R-INLA project; see www.r-inla.org. Precompiled version of the R-INLA package can be downloaded from inla.r-inla-download.org. Håvard Rue
贝叶斯地理统计模型R-INLA-1 - 简书
Jun 16, 2020 · INLA使用确定性贝叶斯方法集成嵌套拉普拉斯近似法。 贝叶斯(Bayesian)=使用贝叶斯定理,与概率论相反。 是基于推断给定确定参数的数据集的概率(涉及设置先验! )。 如想了解有关更多详细信息,您可以贝叶斯统计入门教程 Bayesian Statistics。 1. 案例数据. 我们使用gstat包里面自带的降雨数据,里面包含了467个测量站点信息,每个站点都会监测该点的降雨量,然后包含了该地区的海拔高度的图层,我们根据各个站点提取对应位置的海拔高度,然后将 …
Irish National Liberation Army - Wikipedia
The Irish National Liberation Army (INLA, Irish: Arm Saoirse Náisiúnta na hÉireann) [4] is an Irish republican socialist paramilitary group formed on 8 December 1974, during the 30-year period of conflict known as "the Troubles".
R语言贝叶斯INLA空间自相关、混合效应、季节空间模型、SPDE、 …
INLA(Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation,集成嵌套拉普拉斯近似)是一种在潜在高斯模型中,包括具有空间成分的模型,进行 贝叶斯推断 的流行工具。本文中我们将帮助客户探讨如何使用INLA处理统计建模中的空间自相关性。
R语言INLA包最新安装方法 - CSDN博客
Oct 4, 2021 · 这篇博客介绍了如何在R环境中安装INLA包,提供了两种不同的源,分别是稳定版和测试版。 安装前需要先确保安装了BiocManager,并通过它来安装Rgraphviz,这两个都是INLA包的依赖项。 install. packages ("INLA",repos=c (getOption ("repos"),INLA="https://inla.r-inla-download.org/R/stable"), dep=TRUE) install.packages ("INLA",repos=c (getOption ("repos"),INLA="https://inla.r-inla-download.org/R/testing"), dep=TRUE) 需要先安装Rgraphviz.
【嵌入式拉普拉斯近似】Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation_inla …
Jun 18, 2023 · inla是贝叶斯统计学中最近的几个计算突破之一,它允许快速准确的模型拟合。 贝叶斯定理介绍 在贝叶斯范式中,模型中的所有未知量都被视为随机变量,其目的是计算(或估计)联合后验分布。
R-INLA Project - Examples & Tutorials
Here is a list of worked out examples and tutorials using R-INLA: INLA course on discrete data (Video 1: Intro - Video 2: Hands-on ) , Luigi &Thomas, at Spatial Data Science conference organized by the University of Lausanne.
INLA和MCMC这两种估计方法该如何选择,各有何优劣? - 知乎
inla和mcmc这两种估计方法该如何选择,各有何优劣? 对于最近新发展的贝叶斯估计方法INLA,也即积分嵌套拉普拉斯,和MCMC分别在什么情况下使用? 关注者