浪潮NF5498A5是业界首款基于开放加速标准(OAM, OCP Accelerator Module)的高端AI服务器,具有高性能、高扩展、高兼容等特点。 它于4U 空间内可支持多达8颗高速互联的OAM开放加速芯片和2颗AMD® EPYC 处理器,并可实现Scale-Out多节点扩展至多达千卡级的大型AI计算
Inspur OAM UBB Sets New Accelerator Platform Standard
2019年9月27日 · By providing this Universal Baseboard in a reference platform (the Inspur ON5388M5) there is now a relatively easy to source solution available in the OAI/ OAM market from a top 3 server vendor. The OAM reference system includes not just the UBB, but also a full power and air cooling solution for modules.
1st Industry 21” OAM Platform ODCC Solution Provider Intel® Rack Scale Design One of the Key Members Inspur is a Key Member in Open Platform Communities. OCP Platinum Member Microsoft Project Olympus
Accelerator Module (OAM) spec and contributed it to OCP in March 2019 (Facebook, Microsoft, and Baidu). After presenting the OAM spec as a group effort at 2019 OCP Global Summit, we formed a subgroup in April and encouraged other OCP members to join a team effort to build a modularly interoperable infrastructure around OAM.
First OAI-compliant AI accelerator hardware debuted - EE Times
2019年10月2日 · X-MAN 4.0 combines eight Inspur-developed OAM (Open Accelerator Module — part of the OAI standard)-compliant modules based on Intel Nervana’s Spring Crest chip, with an OAI UBB (universal baseboard)-compliant baseboard, inside an enclosure that Inspur manufactured to meet Baidu’s specific requirements.
Inspur Shows AMD EPYC Genoa and Major OAM Liquid Cooled
2022年12月3日 · At SC22, Inspur showed off new AMD EPYC Genoa platforms, as well as a big liquid-cooled OAM server. The company also took the opportunity to show off its new naming convention for next-generation servers.
• Inspur, HyveDesignSolutions and ZT Systems are the 3 volunteer system providers to build UBB and OAM reference systems. • UBB spec lock down meeting during 6/26-6/27. • Target to release the UBB spec in Sept
Inspur set to announce 21” OAM reference ... - Open Compute Project
2019年9月25日 · Inspur’s OAM system is a 21-inch Open Rack V2 OAM OCP compliant solution providing Inter-module communication to scale up and input/output bandwidth to scale out to support disparate network architectures through OAM direct connect, delivering increased efficiency, flexibility and management.
浪潮在 SC19 推出首款支援多種人工智慧晶片的 OAM 系統 MX1
2019年11月20日 · At SC19 in Denver, Inspur launched the MX1 AI System which supports a variety of OAM (OCP Accelerator Module)-compliant AI chips on a single AI server, and is also the first OAM AI system that supports different types of AI chips from multiple manufacturers.
支持多家AI芯片! SC19浪潮发布全球首个AI开放 ... - Inspur
11月18日,在美国丹佛举行的SC19全球超算大会上,浪潮正式发布全新的AI开放加速系统MX1,可在一个AI服务器支持多种符合OAM (OCP Accelerator Module)规范的AI芯片,这也是全球首个可支持多家不同型号的AI芯片直接更换的AI开放加速系统。 当前,随着数据中心用户对AI计算力需求的不断攀升,全球已有上百家公司投入新型AI芯片的研发与设计,AI计算芯片多元化趋势愈发明显。 但因为各厂商在AI开发中采用了不同的技术路线,导致芯片的接口、互联、协议上 …