Intanza(®): a new intradermal vaccine for seasonal influenza
Intanza(®) (Sanofi Pasteur, Lyon, France) is a newly licensed, trivalent, inactivated influenza vaccine that is delivered intradermally with a proprietary micoinjection system. Two dosage formulations have been approved for use in Europe and Australia.
Intanza® 9 µg intradermal seasonal influenza vaccine for adults …
Intanza ® 9 μg (sanofi pasteur) is a microneedle-delivered intradermal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine approved in 2009 for the prevention of seasonal influenza in adults 18 to 59 y of age. The microneedle system reliably and reproducibly delivers the vaccine to the dermis.
Intanza - European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Prophylaxis of influenza in individuals 60 years of age and over, especially in those who run an increased risk of associated complications. The use of Intanza should be based on official recommendations. Public statement on Intanza: Withdrawal of the marketing authorisation in the European Union. English (EN) (65.77 KB - PDF)
Intanza. What is Intanza? Intanza is a vaccine, which is available as a suspension for injection in a pre -filled syringe. The vaccine contains fragments of influenza (flu) viruses that have been inactivated (treated to prevent them causing infection). Intanza contains 15 micrograms of each of three different strains ( varieties) of
Intanza - Sanofi Pasteur Europe - 药物在线
Prophylaxis of influenza in individuals 60 years of age and over, especially in those who run an increased risk of associated complications.The use of Intanza should be based on official recommendations.
Fluzone® intra-dermal (Intanza®/Istivac® Intra-dermal): An …
Influenza is a highly contagious respiratory acute viral disease characterized by a worldwide distribution, a short incubation period (1–3 days, generally 2 days), usually mild respiratory and systemic symptoms, such as high fever, cough, sore throat, headache, chills, anorexia and fatigue. 1,2 It can be asymptomatic in 30–50% of subjects. 2,3 O...
INTANZA, INN-Influenza vaccine (split virion, inactivated)
Paediatric population INTANZA is not recommended for use in children and adolescents below 18 years due to insufficient data on safety and efficacy. Immunisation should be carried out by …
Full article: Fluzone® intra-dermal (Intanza®/Istivac® Intra …
2016年8月3日 · Influenza is a highly contagious respiratory acute viral disease characterized by a worldwide distribution, a short incubation period (1–3 days, generally 2 days), usually mild respiratory and systemic symptoms, such as high fever, cough, sore throat, headache, chills, anorexia and fatigue. 1,2 It can be asymptomatic in 30–50% of subjects. 2,3 O...
Fluzone® intra-dermal (Intanza®/Istivac® Intra-dermal): An …
2016年10月2日 · Influenza is a highly contagious respiratory acute viral disease which imposes a very heavy burden both in terms of epidemiology and costs, in the developed countries as well as in the developing ones. It represents a serious public health concern and vaccination constitutes an important tool to reduce or at least mitigate its burden.
Intanza® 9 μg (sanofi pasteur) is a microneedle-delivered intradermal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine approved in 2009 for the prevention of seasonal influenza in adults 18 to 59 y of age. The microneedle system reliably and reproducibly delivers the vaccine to the dermis.