My first car..........DB1 integra - Team Integra Forums
2009年1月1日 · Hi everyone, this is my car....a 90' integra DB1. So far the integra is lowered on coil-overs, has 16" racing rims, a Wickedflow exhaust, front upper strut-bar, bored intake manifold, Kustom black housing headlights, Amber corners and bumper lights, and thats pretty much it …
What model is my integra? - Team Integra Forums
2014年6月5日 · DA is commonly used when referencing a second generation (90-93) integra 2 door non vtec model. It's part of the 4th, 5th and 6th letters in your cars VIN number that describes the body/engine type.
Buying an Acura Integra? Here's What to Look For - MotorTrend
2020年8月26日 · The second-gen Integra—known as the DA5-DA9, DB1-DB2—landed in the U.S. in 1990, bringing with it a new 1.8-liter, 140-hp four-cylinder and a fully independent double-wishbone suspension at all...
本田Integra历史回顾 前驱王者即将复活 - 爱卡汽车
2021年9月21日 · 最近,广汽本田Integra的申报图流出,有人直白地指出它“换壳思域”的身份,说这无非就是双车战略的又一次实践。 我想说的是,在历史上Integra一直都是“换壳思域”,但是与此同时,它也曾是“前驱之光”。 第一代Integra(Quint Integra) 推出时间:1985年. 代号:DA1-DA4. 车型小结:最初Quint Integra并没有标榜运动,只是有着不错的底子,跳灯、掀背、四轮碟刹、DOHC发动机都让年轻人心动不已,仔细想想,它和第十代思域HATCHBACK的路线真的有几 …
Honda Integra For Sale - JDMBUYSELL
Whether you want to import a Honda Integra yourself or buy a landed JDM Honda Integra car locally in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia or beyond, you can find the right Honda Integra car at the right price by comparing examples from multiple JDM importers/exporters.
1990 Integra sedan project - Tech Review - Honda Tuning Magazine
DB1 is the chassis code for our '90 Integra sedan project. We give the code new context in the next couple of project installments as we pack the DB1 with lots and lots of db's--decibels!
db1 fun | ClubIntegra.com - Acura Integra / RSX Forum
2010年6月30日 · ive seen some nice 2nd gen 4drs dont get me wrong!, but has anyone actually really buit a db1 like people do with everyother integra?, let me see some pics or links, ohh and before i forget, where do you guys shop for your parts, parts at a reasonable price, the cheapiest place for parts ive...
My DB1 | ClubIntegra.com - Acura Integra / RSX Forum
2009年8月15日 · Everytime I start the car now, the clock and my radio reset. Don't know what I deal is there really. As far a exhaust goes, it's got some flowmaster tip welded on there, I didn't do that. Been thinking about going full 2 1/2 inch? Or 2 1/4? Maybe a 3 or 3 1/2 cannon on the end with a nice angle to the left?
本田Integra历史回顾 前驱王者即将复活 - 百家号
2021年9月21日 · 车型小结:关于广汽本田Integra,大家的关注点主要有两个:一是手动变速箱,二是高功率发动机,只要能满足其一,必然会吸引来一部分消费者。 至于讴歌Integra,我猜它会很香,但是与中国市场的关系似乎不大。
All Generation Integra Buyer's Guide | Team Integra Forums
2009年6月30日 · 3rd Generation (1994-2001 Acura Integra (DC4, DC2, DB7, DB8)) There are many things to consider when looking into buying a 3rd generation Integra. 1. Look for rust and paint fade on the exterior. The 94-01 Integra was plagued with the signature "Honda Rot" which is rust over the rear wheels due to a rubber strip keeping in moisture.