The Intel 4002 Chip — Pyntel4004 ENV_VERSION documentation
The Intel 4002 chip was introduced in 1971 as part of the Intel 4000 family; a 320-bit MOS RAM and 4-bit output port, fabricated with P-channel silicon gate MOS technology. The 4002 was designed to be used with other MCS-4/40 devices such as the 4004 CPU.
Intel 4004 - Wikipedia
The Intel 4004, released by the Intel Corporation in 1971, was the first commercially produced microprocessor and the first in a long line of Intel central processing units (CPUs). Priced at US$ 60 (equivalent to $466 in 2024), it marked a breakthrough in computing by condensing an entire 4-bit CPU onto a single chip.
英特尔4004,50岁生日快乐! - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
除了4004外,英特尔还设计了三种支持芯片:4001、4002和4003。其中,4002是仅40字节的RAM芯片内存。 1971年年中,Intel 4004 作为 Busicom 141-PF 计算器的一部分首次推出。在与 Busicom 重新谈判后,英特尔可以自由地将MCS-4芯片组出售。
Complete Artwork, Schematics, and Simulator for Intel MCS-4 (4004 ...
Mask artwork for Intel 4001 ROM, 4002 RAM, 4003 shift-register, and 4004 CPU; 4001, 4002, 4003, and 4004 schematics; 4001 and 4004 composite photomicrographs; Interactive simulator, circuit analyzer, and schematic viewer, with individual mask layers; Quick link to: 4004 35th Anniversary Project Home Page
- [PDF]
Vintage Computing
The 4002 is a PMOS device and is compatible with all components. The 4002 is available in two options, the 4002-,1 and 4002-2. Along with an external pin connected to either VDD or Vss, a two bit chip selection address is provided allowing a maximum of 1280 bits of 4002 RAM on a single MCS-40 CM-RAM line. Thus, the
320-bit MOS RAM and 4-bit output port. The 4002 was designed to be used with other MCS-4/40 devices such as the 4004 CPU.
4004RS 笔记(一):穿越五十年的旅程,序章 - 知乎
6502 的晶体管数量约为 4000 个,相当于 4004 的两倍左右,所以复刻 4004 的工作量应该会比 6502 少不少。 之前我也先简单地做了一些实验,比如 用 MOS 管搭一个4位加法器,验证了一下可行性。 我将这个项目命名为 4004RS。 先来简单介绍一下 4004 的参数吧: 4004:微控制器. 4004 本身是没有内置的存储器的,所以我们需要额外的 ROM 和 RAM 芯片(题外话,在设计 4004 之前,Intel 可是做存储芯片起家的哦): 4001:256x8b ROM,附带4位输入/输出端口。 …
jim11662418/Intel_4004_Single_Board_Computer - GitHub
I built this Intel 4004 Single Board Computer a few years back to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Intel 4004 CPU using ICs that I purchased on eBay. This homebrew, wire-wrap single board computer features: Intel 4004 CPU; Intel 4201 Clock Generator; Intel 4002 Static RAM (2X for a total of 640 bits of data memory) Intel 4289 Standard ...
Intel-4004微处理器(MCS-4微机) - CSDN博客
2019年5月23日 · Intel 4004是全球首款商用微处理器,由Intel为Busicom设计,用于计算器产品。 这款4位处理器集成2250个晶体管,1971年推出,具有4位运算和8位指令集。 MCS-4微型计算机由4004 CPU、4001 ROM、4002 RAM和4003 SR组成,标志着Intel进入微处理器市场的起点。
绕不开的话题-Intel 4004微处理器 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年9月1日 · intel设计了一套四块芯片,称为MCS-4。 它包括一个中央处理单元(CPU)芯片-4004,以及一个支持自定义应用程序的只读存储器(ROM)4001芯片,一个用于处理数据的随机存取存储器(RAM)4002芯片以及一个移位存储-输入/输出(I / O)端口的寄存器芯片4003。
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