Some INTJs smile all the time - Personality Cafe
2024年8月22日 · Some INTJs in my world naturally smile all the time. Not all, but significantly many do. Have you seen this trend? If it's an actual thing, why do they smile at all times? It's beautiful, but really, how can they be smiling always no …
真正的INTJ什么样? - 知乎
INTJs and facial expressions : r/intj - Reddit
2021年1月2日 · So it can take time to get used to the INTJ's facial expression, because they're always there, they're just not that clear. I have perpetual RBF but I'm not totally expressionless. I tend to display microexpressions of irritation that my friends are often entertained by.
请问您或您认识的intj更倾向于善、恶还是中立? - 知乎
对之前喜欢过intj、但是后来喜欢上别人C的追求者B,intj也会比较自身和追求者的对象C,有的时候会贬低那个追求者的对象C。 intj整体对伴侣的要求高,想找个让人嫉妒羡慕的伴侣、能力强的伴侣。
r/intj on Reddit: Are there any other smiley/expressive INTJs and ...
2020年12月17日 · With familiar people, I can hang with the best of ‘em in terms of conversation. I do smiley, outgoing, insightful, passionate, and silly well. My motivation in by-choice social interactions is human connection. In circumstance-based social interactions, I mostly adhere to social norms to be perceived a “normal” for the practical benefits.
Has anybody told you that you rarely smile? : r/intj - Reddit
Intjs smile a lot if they like you and think you're cute... not hard to read... the eyeroll of an intj is also a kind of smile. My friends say I have "resting bitch face" Mines more a “resting bored face”...
如何识别身边的INTJ——「最高成就的人格类型」之一 - 知乎
2024年3月9日 · “INTJ”——这是 MBTI 人格类型中的 16 种之一。四个字母代表不同的特征——内向、直觉、思考和判断。 建筑师(Architect)人格类型通常与高智力水平相关。 世界首富 马斯克 、Facebook创始人 扎克伯格 、发明家 尼古拉·特斯拉 ,都被认为具有INTJ人格特质。
INTJ Sociability, Social Ability & Small Talk
2016年11月1日 · This is a follow-up post to 10 Tips for INTJ Personality Types which discussed INTJ personality traits, potential pitfalls, talents, abilities, career possibilities and more. This post covers INTJs and social interaction, including socializing as an introvert, developing social skills, and the unassuming but simultaneously deeply problematic ...
是不是intj身上都有种神奇的气质? - 知乎
沉浸式工作模式,只适合做主线任务,支线任务基本无视,但是主线任务可能超标完成. 4.永远不可能了解intj。 intj抗拒被真正了解,也不可能被真正了解,心理成长本身就是扭曲的,内心深处一定有很大变态而阴暗的成分. 5.亦正亦邪。 人民的英雄和人类的公敌可以同时存在于一个身体里,在一个团体中可能最受欢迎,也可以最被孤立。 可以是团队核心,更可以是团队独瘤. 6.眼里容不得沙子。 有问必究,有仇必报. 7.对挚友来说,极度务实,却难以谈心。 所以有时很难约且不会 …
INTJ 型人格详细解读职业发展、情感沟通和心理健康 - 知乎
intj 型人格,也被称之为建筑师型人格,在 mbti 16 种人格类型里,那可是相当独特又少见的一类。 这类人思维深邃得很,脑袋里全是创造力,看世界的角度独特得很。
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