‘Super-highways’ First Australians used to cross ancient land, …
2021年4月30日 · To map these features, we built the most complete digital elevation model for Sahul ever constructed, including areas now underwater. How the Sahul landmass would have looked more than 50,000 years ago. We used this digital elevation model to understand what was visible to early travellers.
Sahul - Wikipedia
Map of Sahul with Sunda. Sahul (/ s ə ˈ h uː l /), also called Sahul-land, Meganesia, Papualand and Greater Australia, [1] was a paleocontinent that encompassed the modern-day landmasses of mainland Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea, and the Aru Islands. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
We mapped the ‘ super-highways ’ the First Australians used to …
2021年4月29日 · To map these features, we built the most complete digital elevation model for Sahul ever constructed, including areas now underwater. How the Sahul landmass would have looked more than 50,000...
Physiography, foraging mobility, and the first peopling of Sahul
2024年4月23日 · The southern route passes through the island of Timor and suggests an entry into Sahul around 75 ka via the Timor Sea shelf (northwest Australia) that was partially exposed at that time...
Scientists map the lost 'Atlantis' continent of Sahul - Live Science
2024年5月9日 · The research looks at the vast supercontinent that was known as Sahul, a landmass that was exposed about 70,000 years ago, during the Pleistocene epoch, when Earth was in the midst of the last...
Landscape rules predict optimal superhighways for the first ... - Nature
2021年4月29日 · Inset map shows modern coastlines superimposed on the coastline of Sahul during the approximate time of first human arrival. The main map uses combined contemporary elevation data and...
Mapping the ‘superhighways’ travelled by the firs - Apr 2021
2021年4月30日 · Model-averaged pathway probability calculated from ~ 125 billion paths across the continent of Sahul. ‘Superhighways’ used by a population of up to 6.5 million Indigenous Australians to navigate the continent tens of thousands of years ago have been revealed by new research using sophisticated modelling of past people and landscapes.
Prehistoric humans first traversed Australia by ‘superhighways’
Sometime between 50,000 and 70,000 years ago, prehistoric humans took their first steps into Sahul, an ancient landmass made up of modern Australia, New Guinea and Tasmania. But nobody knows which way they went after that.
How Evolving Landscapes Impacted First Peoples' Migration to …
2024年5月3日 · Researchers ran thousands of simulations to describe possible migration routes originating from two entry points into Sahul: a northern route through Western Papua and a southern route from the Timor Sea shelf.
Sahul: The ancient super-continent that once connected Australia …
The earliest humans that migrated to Sahul probably came from Southeast Asia, most likely from the Wallacean islands (modern-day Indonesia) around 65,000 years ago.. They would have been able to cross a series of land bridges that had been exposed during lower sea levels. During the Pleistocene Ice Age, sea levels were up to 120 meters lower than today.