Concurrent presence of inv(14)(q11q32) and t(4;11)(q21;q23) in …
The inv(14)(q11q32) is a non-random chromosomal aberration which has been associated with a variety of T-cell malignancies. We have studied a case of inv(14)(q11q32) that is unique in several respects.
t(7;14)(q35;q32.1) TRB/TCL1A inv(14)(q11q32.1) TRA-TRD/TCL1A t(14;14 …
inv (14) (q11q32) is the most frequent chromosomal abnormality and occurs in more than two thirds of cases. T-PLL has an aggressive clinical course in most patients with median survival times ranging from 7 to 30 months. Cases with a more chronic course have also been reported, but such cases may progress after 2-3 years (Durig qt al., 2007).
Disruption of the BCL11B gene through inv(14)(q11.2q32.31) …
2005年1月24日 · Here, we describe the molecular characterization of a novel chromosomal aberration, inv (14) (q11.2q32.31), in a T-ALL sample, involving the recently described BCL11B gene and the TCRD locus.
Inversion (14)(q11q32) in a patient with childhood T-cell acute ...
1996年5月1日 · We report a rare example of inversion (14) (q11q32) in childhood T-ALL and its further involvement in a subsequent translocation. We discuss the possible clinical significance of inv (14) in childhood T-ALL.
t(14;14)(q11;q32) CEBPE/IGH inv(14)(q11q32) CEBPE/IGH
This chromosome anomaly should not be confused with the t(14;14)(q11;q32)/inv(14)(q11q32) found in T-cell diseases, which implicates TCR alpha or TCR delta (14q11) and TCL1A (14q32).
Inv(14) with distal breakpoint in 14q32.1 in three cases of T cell ...
The distal breakpoint of inv(14) in T cell clones, established from patients with ataxia telangiectasia, lies outside the immunoglobulin heavy chain gene locus on 14q32.3, and more proximal to the centromere than the distal breakpoint of …
Inversion (14) (q11q32) in childhood T-cell acute ... - PubMed
We describe two cases of childhood T-ALL in which inv (14) (q11q32) was present concomitantly with other karyotypic aberrations typical of T-ALL. The possible significance of inv (14) in these cases is also discussed.
Inversion inv(14)(q11.2q32) - Compendium of Cancer Genome …
Chromosome studies in human leukemia. IV. Myeloproliferative syndrome and other atypical myeloid disorders. J Natl Cancer Inst 29:911-31 PMID: 13939164.
inv(14) (Concept Id: C1515660) - National Center for …
Reconstruction of rearranged T-cell receptor loci by whole genome and transcriptome sequencing gives insights into the initial steps of T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia.
t (7;14) (p15;q32) - atlasgeneticsoncology.org
2017年10月1日 · TCL1 is a target of chromosomal translocations t(14;14)(q11;q32.1) or t(7;14)(q35;q32.1) and inversions inv(14)(q11q32.1) involving the T- cell receptor alpha /delta locus at 14q11 and TCR beta loci at 14q35 leading to its deregulation in T-cell leukemias, such as T-prolymphocytic leukemia. It is also activated in preleukemic clonal cells and ...