Think, Mark - Know Your Meme
Think, Mark is a phrase said during a climactic moment of the Amazon Prime show Invincible that began airing in 2021. Used as an exploitable image macro , the main focus of the meme is on the one saying the phrase, which is Omni-Man, a main character and secret antagonist.
Invincible - Know Your Meme
Think, Mark is a phrase said by character Omni-Man during a climactic moment of the Amazon Prime show Invincible. The brutal way in which the character, voiced by actor J.K. Simmons yells the phrase, inspired memes , including redraws.
14 Of Our Favorite 'Think, Mark!' Memes And Recreations From …
"Think, Mark!" is the _Invincible_ meme you never knew you needed. Here are some of the best from this popular format that's seen use in redraws, image macros and more.
18 'Invincible' Memes To Enjoy Between Seasons - Know Your Meme
As they count down the days until the next episode comes out, they create some pretty great memes far beyond just Think, Mark. Here are 18 Invincible memes to enjoy during the show's long hiatus. And don't worry, we won't spoil anything from the most recent season.
18 'Invincible' Memes For The Fandom's Long Wait - Know Your …
It's not coming any time soon, but we can't wait for season three, so here are some of the best memes from the show to remind you it's worth the wait.
I Think I Miss My Wife - Know Your Meme
May 22, 2024 · I Think I Miss My Wife is a quote spoken by Omni-Man (Nolan Grayson) in Invincible volume 45 in reference to his ex-wife Debbie Grayson. The issue was released in 2007 and became the subject of memes as early as April 2024 in which the speech bubble from the panel where Omni-Man says the line is photoshopped to alter the context, often using ...
I Looked at Invincible and Sighed | Know Your Meme
I Looked at Invincible and Sighed is a catchphrase used to criticize the animation quality of the series Invincible in comparison to another animated superhero series that the poster believes has higher quality animation.
Think Mark, Think! [SPOILER ALERT] | Omni-Man VS. Invincible ...
SPOILER ALERT] "Think, Mark" is een MEME die verwijst naar de zin die werd gezegd tijdens de climax van de serie: Invincible. De brute manier waarop het per…
Invincible Title Cards Be Like... - Know Your Meme
Nov 6, 2024 · Invincible Title Cards Be Like… refers to a series of video edits parodying the style and execution of title cards in the 2021 animated series Invincible, which are cut into the start of every episode, usually when a character says "invincible."
Look What They Need to Mimic a Fraction of Our Power
Look What They Need to Mimic a Fraction of Our Power is a line of dialogue spoken by Omni-Man to Invincible in the animated TV series Invincible during a fight between the two. The line is in reference to a pair of fighter jets, used to illustrate how …