Application forms, guides and checklists - Immigration New Zealand
Select and download the latest versions of all immigration forms including visa application forms. Use the guides and checklists to help you make a complete and correct application.
National security checks for visa applicants - Immigration New …
2023年1月25日 · provides assessments to help Immigration New Zealand (INZ) make decisions, and conducts national security checks in line with INZ’s priorities. Generally, national security checks (NSC) for temporary visas are processed first, as these have the shortest timeframe for a …
National Security Check Form – November 2017 – 3 hen filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS. Section C Employment and education history Please ensure that you provide information about all periods of employment, unemployment and education. This includes any period where you undertook household/domestic duties, voluntary or unpaid work.
新西兰学签迟迟未下?那你可能被NSC check了… - 知乎专栏
2022年12月26日 · 你可以尝试给INZ打电话 (+64-9-914-4100) 或者上传cover letter来询问签证的审理情况。 如果你得到的答复是"pending third party check"这类字眼,那你就铁定被check了。
紐打被抽到安全審查?1209表格是什麼,怎麼填? - WHVstore
2019年8月17日 · 1209表格,officer也會以附件的形式一起發來。 當然,你也可以從網上下載,鏈接地址: https://www.immigration.govt.nz/documents/forms-and-guides/inz1209.pdf 這個表格叫做national security check form,就是國家安全檢查。
已拿新西兰的PhD offer和CSC奖学金?这份签证申请指南少不了
如果INZ需要你提交任何资料,会给你发邮件,例如补交CV, thesis statement,INZ 1200 Form,INZ 1209 Form等,在要求的截止日期前提交就好了。 Q&A 1.
问下inz 1209 NSC检查填写 - 移民新西兰 - 新西兰天维网社区
2025年1月3日 · 请教下各位:1. 教育经历是从初中还是高中开始?2. 暑假需要单独列一行吗,还是合并在某个学历里面?3. 如果去年是来nz留学,教育经历中还要填满工作经历吗,06-10年大 ... 问下inz 1209 NSC检查填写 ,新西兰天维网社区
INZ 1209 Explained (Latest 2024) - immigration-lawyers.co.nz
What is the INZ 1209 form? This form is intended to gather supplementary information about the visa applicant, if deemed necessary by Immigration New Zealand. Applicants from certain countries such as China, Russia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka are subject to this requirement.
National Security Check (NSC) form (INZ 1209) - New Zealand …
National Security Check (NSC) form (INZ 1209) Immigration New Zealand form to provide additional information about you if your application requires a National Security Check. Download INZ 1209 form
新西兰问下inz 1209 NSC检查填写 - NZ新西兰华人论坛
2020年11月13日 · 请教下各位: 1. 教育经历是从初中还是高中开始? 2. 暑假需要单独列一行吗,还是合并在某个学历里面? 3. 如果去年是来nz留学,教育经历中还要填满工作经历吗,06-10年大学,10-18年各种工作,18-19留学,这样?