Land transport safety - IOGP
IOGP Report No. 365, Land transportation safety recommended practice. This report’s guidance on how to implement land transport safety elements in a management system is consistent with IOGP 510: Operating Management System framework.
Land transportation safety practice - IOGP Publications library
IOGP promotes the integration of safety into every aspect of exploration and production operations and provides the benchmarks against which to measure improving safety performance. Visit our Safety webpage to learn more. Land transport related incidents are historically the single largest cause of fatalities in IOGP Member Company operations.
OGP Report No. 365 (Issue 2) Revised September 2014. The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
IOGP Releases New Land Transportation Safety Reports - JPT
2020年8月17日 · IOGP Report 365: Land Transportation Safety Recommended Practice Report 365 is the keystone document of the recommended practice series. This update brings it to its fourth edition and aligns it with the Life-Saving Rules and Project Safira recommendations, such as the use of light vehicles rated five stars by the New Car Assessment Program.
File:IOGP 365.pdf - SEG Wiki
2015年4月16日 · Land transportation safety recommended practice, IOGP Report No. 365 (Issue 2), revised Sept 2014. Copyrighted by OGP and sourced from IOGP.org
OGP member companies are committed to the goals of significantly reducing road trafic inju-ries and fatalities, and achieving world-class road safety performance. They believe that this can be advanced by the implementation of the recommended practices which follow.
IOGP Report 365-6 - Land transportation safety recommended practice – Questionnaire / checklist assessment for the implementation of report 365 provides an easy reference to the principal areas of land transport safety management that should be evaluated.
IOGP 365 – Land transportation safety practice
Land transportation safety practice provides an effective way to manage land transportation risks. Application of this Report can be the starting point for energy companies (oil and gas companies and new energy companies) or can supplement existing practices.
journey management - IOGP Publications library
This Report, 365-19 – Land transportation safety recommended practice – journey management, a part of IOGP’s Land Transportation Recommended Practice series, adds to IOGP’s existing guidance on safe land transportation by offering readers a framework for a systematic approach to developing a Journey management process in their ...
Land Transportation Safety: Recommended Practices - studylib.net
IOGP's land transportation safety report: recommended practices, risk management, vehicle specs, driver training, and KPIs for the oil & gas industry.