Asset integrity - the key to managing major incident risks | IOGP ...
IOGP’s Managing Major Incident Risks Task Force developed this guide to help organisations reduce major incident risks by focusing on asset integrity management. It may be applied to new and existing assets at every life cycle stage.
IOGP Report 415, Asset Integrity – the key to managing major incident risks was first published in 2008. It explicitly addressed asset integrity and process safety risks as part of a company’s overall management systems. Since then, approaches have continued to evolve.
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Foreword IOGP Report 415, Asset Integrity – the key to managing major incident risks was first published in 2008. It explicitly addressed asset integrity and process safety risks as part of a company’s overall management systems.
IOGP (2016) Report 544. Standardization of Barrier Definitions ...
IOGP (2016) Report 544. Standardization of Barrier Definitions. Supplement to Report 415, April, 2016. has been cited by the following article: TITLE: A Concise and Practical Barrier Model. AUTHORS: Yueting Hu
IOGP published Report 415 - Asset integrity – the key to managing major incident risks , in December 2008 to provide advice on how to implement an asset integrity management system for new and existing upstream assets.
IOGP Report 415, Asset Integrity – the key to managing major incident risks [1], published in 2008, explicitly addressed asset integrity and process safety risks as part of a company’s overall health, safety and environment management system (HSE-MS).
Major Incident | Oil and Gas Drilling Glossary | IADCLexicon.org
Source: OGP Report No. 415, Asset integrity – the key to managing major incident risks, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, December 2008. Global Standards. An incident that has resulted in multiple fatalities and/or serious damage, possibly beyond the asset itself.
Barrier | Oil and Gas Drilling Glossary | IADCLexicon.org
Source: OGP Report No. 415, Asset integrity – the key to managing major incident risks, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, December 2008. Global Standards . Barrier. Measure which reduces the probability of realizing a hazard’s potential for harm and which reduces its consequence.
Note 2 to entry: Adapted from IOGP Report No. 415. 3.1.2 emergency response action taken by personnel on or off an installation to limit the consequences of a major accident or initiate and execute abandonment [SOURCE: ISO 15544:2000, 2.1.8] 3.1.3 environment