Standards - IOGP
IOGP’s Information Standards subcommittee commissioned a survey of oil and gas industry professionals to identify opportunities for the creation of a generic, industry-level architecture …
Geo-Information - IOGP
Geo-information (which includes location, coordinate and geo-code) accounts for about 80% of exploration and production data. Much of this information is stored in a variety of applications, …
JIP35 – Standardization of Offshore Structures Specifications - IOGP
For industry-level standardization in offshore structures design specifications. Like JIP33, JIP35 aims to achieve industry-level standardization. Its focus is on offshore structures design …
IOGP data
The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) collects safety and environmental data from its Member Companies on an annual basis. The data presented in this website …
IOGP List of Tables 1. Format Types 3 2. Format Data Types 3 3. Reserved Characters 4 4. DATATYPEREF Data Types 4 5. Contents of the Standard Record Extension Field Definition …
IOGP S-718D: Procurement Data Sheets for Basic Process Measurement Instruments The procurement data sheet defines application specific requirements, attributes and options …
Downloads - IOGP
GIGS Guidance Note (IOGP Report no. 430-1) v2.0 - Guideline on geospatial integrity and general advice for GIGS testing. GIGS User Guide (IOGP Report no. 430-2) v2.0 - Detailed …
This IOGP Specification was prepared by a Joint Industry Project 33 Standardization of Equipment Specifications for Procurement organized by IOGP with support by the World …
1. The OGP SSDM task force shall assign and maintain a list of the subtype codes for the SSDM feature classes. 2. Currently, the OGP SSDM task force provides a sample set of ESRI styles …
Geodesy Docs - EPSG Registry
EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset (also EPSG registry) is a public registry of geodetic datums, spatial reference systems, Earth ellipsoids, coordinate transformations and related units of …